I spent far too long in Khols today. And yesterday. But they kind of forced me to come back - no really! Here's what happened:
Yesterday morning I went into Khols to pay my bill (which was necessary to avoid late fees) and while walking around, I found this super cute
pinstriped jacket which was half off. Khols always likes to mail you secret scratch off bonus coupons, and I always get 15%. My aunt however, always seems to get 30%, and then braggs about it - so I knew that she had the 30 coupon, and I wanted it to get the jacket for a nice $20.
So, later in the day, I return, coupon in hand to get the jacket. I do, and it's lovely. As I'm leaving, the securty alarm goes off, but those things go off all the time and I don't think anything of it - until I get home and realize the device is still afixed to my jacket.
This moring when I return, I notice a new sign has appeared on all the clearance merchandise - Now an extra 25% is taken off. Extra..... my mind starts whirring with calculations. It is a very slow whirring though, mental math is tough and it took a few mintues of staring blankly at the wall, visualizing the numbers in my head to come up with the new figures on the items i'd been eying.

I decided that the Vera Wang short sleeved
faux fur jacket, originally $168, reduced to $33, and now to $17.33, might just be worth it. The look and feel of it is actually quite posh - I think I'll have to wear it out tomorrow night and act like I own the town in my "$168" acrylic fur. When it comes to fur, I would always prefer that it be fake. And yet when it comes to leather, I'd prefer it be real. I'm complicated like that.

My final insanely discounted purchase was this white cotton summer dress which really looked like it had been bumming around the store for the last nine months. It is all covered in dust and various threads pulled off of other garments. But there it was, alone in a sea of sweaters, adjacent to an odd rack of last years bikini bottoms (there was not a matching top in sight). The cut of the dress is very flattering, wrap style with a bottom that flares away, and a preppy little collar. It was originally $89.50 and I paid $18.80.

The moment I saw it I was having visions of it with a woven leather platform sandal, like this one by
Jessica Simpson for $60 or this
Payless one for $30. I also keep wanting to see it with these
perforated suede boots by Chinese Laundry. They are currently $125, but if I keep on waiting, perhaps they will be on sale by the time I'll actually be wearing the dress.