I spent far too long in Khols today. And yesterday. But they kind of forced me to come back - no really! Here's what happened:
Yesterday morning I went into Khols to pay my bill (which was necessary to avoid late fees) and while walking around, I found this super cute pinstriped jacket which was half off. Khols always likes to mail you secret scratch off bonus coupons, and I always get 15%. My aunt however, always seems to get 30%, and then braggs about it - so I knew that she had the 30 coupon, and I wanted it to get the jacket for a nice $20.
So, later in the day, I return, coupon in hand to get the jacket. I do, and it's lovely. As I'm leaving, the securty alarm goes off, but those things go off all the time and I don't think anything of it - until I get home and realize the device is still afixed to my jacket.
This moring when I return, I notice a new sign has appeared on all the clearance merchandise - Now an extra 25% is taken off. Extra..... my mind starts whirring with calculations. It is a very slow whirring though, mental math is tough and it took a few mintues of staring blankly at the wall, visualizing the numbers in my head to come up with the new figures on the items i'd been eying.

I decided that the Vera Wang short sleeved faux fur jacket, originally $168, reduced to $33, and now to $17.33, might just be worth it. The look and feel of it is actually quite posh - I think I'll have to wear it out tomorrow night and act like I own the town in my "$168" acrylic fur. When it comes to fur, I would always prefer that it be fake. And yet when it comes to leather, I'd prefer it be real. I'm complicated like that.

Lydia, I just want you to know that I LOVE reading your blog! Reading about clothes always lifts my spirits and I love the way to describe finding a good deal!
ReplyDeleteStill have that jacket? If you do, in size L, and want to part with it-i'd love to buy it off ya!
ReplyDeleteI do carolyn, if you'd like it, it's yours! Just send me an email!