So much for putting it out of my head.
Ebay has this great saved search feature, where if something you want isn’t currently being auctioned off, you can tell ebay to search for it every day, and when something comes up, an email pops up in your inbox.
So I said I was putting the snow boots out of my head. That they weren’t going to happen this winter, and that was that.
But then ebay found them, my size, in brown, for less than those red ones. And even though I’d said I was giving them up, there was just this nagging. There were a few bids on them, so I thought, why not just place a bid. I wont bid high, I’ll definitely get out bid, and then the nagging will stop.
Only ebay popped another email into my box – this time, telling me I’d won. I feel kind of wrong. I can’t say I’ve ever really stuck to any new years resolutions in the past, yet for some reason, I’m feeling rather bad about not sticking to this one.
So really, this time, no more shoes until June. I’ve deleted all my saved searches, all my watched items, and most of my Amazon list.
So they have arrived, and they are quite lovely. Best of all, the price after shipping was $62, much less than those red ones. The only thing is that of the foot of snow which was dumped on us on Monday, nothing remains, thanks to this amazingly warm weather we've had for the past three days.
But I'm all set for next year, right?

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