Avon’s new(ish) face cream promises to keep faces shine free for ten hours, leave skin so soft, and put the shrink ray to pours. SPF 20 also included. For $10, that seems like a great deal, and as someone with oily skin I’m willing to try anything to get me out of the six blotting papers a day habit.
My first impression of the cream was the smell – I did not like it at all. Fortunately it dissipated fairly quickly. Second, the texture was quite odd, almost as if I were rubbing a piece of spandex fabric on my face.
It rubbed in very easily and left no residue and absolutely no shine; something I’ve always had to deal with when applying face creams with SPF in the past.
Seven hours later my face is feeling a bit oily, but almost no shine is detectable. This is a notable improvement for me, and I would imagine on someone with only moderately oily skin, this would work even better.
As for my pours, they seem about the same, and as long as I stay far away from a magnifying mirror, I can usually make my peace with them.
Overall, I’m pleased with the cream and will continue to use it – if the one ounce tube* lasts through the summer, I will consider it an excellent purchase.
*I really dislike the design of the tube – the oddly tapered cap prevents it from standing up on its own, which translates to having to lay it down and consuming more surface area than necessary in a crowed bathroom.
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