For the record, I don't like tie-dye

Oh my god. I just spent the last four and a half hours of my life watching Lost. Normally I would record it and watch it without the commercials. Normally I would not watch a TWO HOUR recap episode - but it was the finale and sometimes you just need to watch it all. Even the commercials, with the fan farewell messages spliced into them, and did you see the Lost Target commercials??? Too funny. My favorite was for the keyboard.

If you, for some reason, haven't watched it yet, I wont say anything other than, I bawled, several times, and I'm still confused.

Alright, I needed to get that out of the way.

Kitten top

Today's outfit was centralized around my kitty tank. I have had this shirt for a very long time and haven't worn it in even longer. I found it while cleaning out my closet, from the dark regions of the back. It's really too small for me (and it was always a little small for me). It was a gift from a once boyfriend, we were in Urban Outfitters one day, I mentioned that I liked it, and he surprised me with it. It was sweet. Also sweet that he thought extra small was my size.

I contemplated the 'get rid of pile', but I simply couldn't do it, and I decided to make it work.

My new acquisition for today is this little tye-dye bag. I don't like tye-dye because it has all these connotations in my mind of things that I don't like, such as Birkenstocks, dreadlocks, weed, frisbee, and the last day of summer camp every year when we made tie-dye tee shirts with cheap dye that would fade to grey after one wash.

So it's odd that I like this bag, but I'll tell you why I do like it:

It's turquoise (and pink) and reminds me of a tasty mixed drink, it feels like summer, it has three separate pouches all with hidden magnetic closures, the chain detaches if you want to use it as a clutch, and it was only $24 at TJMaxx.

Glass of Flickr, originally uploaded by lvidmar.

The rundown
Kitty top Urban Outfitters - Shorts Gap - Hat Market in Italy  - Bracelet Etsy - Sandals Nine West - Bag Big Buddha


  1. The tank doesn't loo too small - it is a perfect fit. Love the bag.

  2. Ah, I wish I hadn't given up on Lost all those years ago. I adored it when it first started but I got so peeved when no questions were ever answered (I can be a tad impatient) that I just gave up out of defiance. Haha. I think I'll have to watch the finale, though. For old times sake.
    Glad you kept this top, looks great with the shorts!

  3. I just purchased my first tie-dye piece for the summer! I'll probably keep it to just this one item (a tank) since I'm not counting on this trend to stick around. I love the bag!

  4. cute cute tank! and it sounds like you have a keeper for a bf :)

    I have been reading some theories about the ending of Lost - hard to recap without babbling on and on but if your interested I can send you the links :)

  5. That's the perfect dose of summery tie-dye. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of the print, so I'm surprised at how much I like this clutch. Nice find!

    And I'm glad you kept the tank. It's adorable on you!

  6. You look great! I love how your bag amplifies the colors of the kitty on your shirt. So lovely! That drink looks awesome!

    Melanie@Unravelled Threads

  7. I really like this look, great style...lovely hat and bag!!!

  8. Glad you're keeping the top : ) and I envy that bag- I'm not a tie dye fan either but that looks more marbled than tie dyed.

    And OMG lost! we had the re-cap on, but I was baking cookies so only saw bits and pieces.

    As for the final episode ... sheese they know how to leave people confused!

  9. ahh i love Lost. i almost stayed up until 630 am to watch it here in Spain. cute bag!

    would love you to visit Passport Glamour & follow if you like

    Anna Katrina

  10. For the record, I too don't like tie dye, but I love that clutch!!! Gah, TJ Maxx may be messy, but sometimes they have the best stuff.
    Such a cute outfit! very chic!

  11. Wow I really love the new bag!!! Tye dye usually isn't my thing but I think it really works!


  12. Oooh the bag is gorgeous...I don't usually like tie-dye either, but the leather flap brings it out of the hippy area enough :D

  13. Love those Gap shorts! So classic and chic!

  14. Love the the clutch...and I LOVE tie dye. HA!

  15. Hahaha, we just made shirts a few days ago with cheap, already faded tyedye so I got a laugh out of your comment. I really do like your clutch, though! It looks more gradient than tyedye if anything.. and gradient is beautiiiful.

    And oh my gosh! That's an amazing contest. I sent my entry right in, just in time! I'm really excited about it, thanks so much for showing me that! Sharpies are so fun.

  16. nice post looks cool lovely top it looks great on you nice bag too
    have great day

  17. I think you are working that tank. I think I have said this here before, but I love tie dye. I like it in more muted shades, and not quite in a Grateful Dead way. However, I am still obsessed with it. I think gray and white tie dye is A Ma Zing. Maybe that's just me. Anywho, I love the clutch.

  18. I love that bag! I am the same way with tye dye (probably because I live so close to Boulder, CO. I could get roped into the hippy skippy fashion). Anywho that bag is wonderful and the outfit is great!

  19. Those shorts are super cute and I LOVE the new purse! I actually really like tie-dye, as long as it's done in a modern way, like this bag (rather than ultra-hippie)

  20. eek kitty on shirt, I love it!

  21. Wasn't lost great? I can't believe I watched 4 1/2 of TV at once, but it was bittersweet.

    :) Marcie

  22. I dont usually like tie-dye either. I have a nasty faded summer camp tie dyed tee haha. I love the clutch though!

    Enter my giveaway on my blog? :)

  23. That’s a fun way to inject some tie dye in your life, it’s a more grown up version.

  24. Super cute look! I loooove the hat and the clutch, great pieces!
