Lust Lust Lust: Summer Wishlist

Summer has unofficially begun, and even though summer fashion has been circulating for months, it's actually getting warm enough to want to wear it, and my wishlist just keeps getting bigger. Here is what I've got in mind for this summer:

The perfect white dress
I thought I found it last year, but I always felt a bit too formal in it. This year I'm trying to find a better balance, and deciding not to go completely white.

Strokes of genius dress $30 at Avon (not on website yet)
Antique look lace dress $15 at Ebay
Treasure of tortuga dress $49 at Ruche

The swimsuit
I know when I go to the beach I will be wearing a cover-up that I likely wont take off. Still, each year I am compelled to hunt for a new suit. Once piece, of course.

Zac Posen for Target Low V one piece (yeah, it's sold out but I still want it) $35 at Target
Boy short one piece $40 at Delias
Undrest Zig Zag Swimsuit $80 (on sale from $198) at Urban Outfitters (also in black and white)

The sandals
Tomorrow night is the season premier of Burn Notice, which became one of my favorite shows after I accidentally watched a marathon of every episode last summer. Fiona has some kick-ass style that in the back of my head I am always trying to emulate. When looking for shoes, I was trying to think of what Fi would want to slip her feet into this summer.

Clockwise from left
Liliana Bueno Platform $30 at Amazon
Chinese Laundry Avalanche Pump $36 to $85 at Amazon
N.Y.L.A. Laroche Pump $40 at Amazon
Pierre Dumas Blonde-2 $40 at Piperlime
BCBG Girls Kerriann Platform $47 at Amazon
Charles Albert Platform Pump $20 at Amazon
Hive and Honey Perry $50 at Piperlime
Pierre Dumas July-1 $35 at Piperlime

My favorite Fiona quote, "I'm even better at buying guns than I am at buying shoes, and I'm really good at buying shoes."

And what does one wear on the first unofficial day of summer?

Almost Americana

The Rundown
Striped top - TJMaxx - White Capris TJMaxx - Cherry Pumps Oh Deer! - Mustard bag Aldo - Hat NY&Co. - Bracelet Thrifted - Earrings Kohls

Also, I received the Blog Love Award from A.Co Est. 1984, Thanks so much!

for this award, each person designs their own version to pass along, so here is mine:

And the recipients:
la fille d'or
The Drawing Mannequin
Modesty is Pretty
 Unravelled Threads
The Antique Pearl
More Fruit Please
FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!)
Living La Vida Rita
*Viva La Fashion*
the robins
Shine By Three

(I know a few of you have gotten awards from me before, and I do usually try to give them to new people every time, but what can I say, I love ya!) 


  1. Aww gorgeous pictures! You look amazing and the clothes and shoes are gorgeous too :)

    Aww thanks so much for the award chick :D xx

  2. Aww thanks for the award! :DD I'll have to see what I can make.

    And I so totally wanted that Zac Posen swimsuit, too!! I love one-pieces. I think they're so much cuter than two pieces. And I'm not confident enough to wear a two piece, haha. Good luck on your quest! And I love your bright, summery outfit!

  3. Oh thank you Lyddie you are so sweet! I love that vintage lace dress, it is beautiful! I also like the middle swimsuit it's got a vintage feel to it. And the shoes, well I just can't pick a favorite! I'm coveting them already. Summer has started for us, I think there was no Spring we just jumped over to Summer, this weekend the temps are going to be over 100 F! Weather really affectsmy style because I hate warm weather, I just have one white dress and sandals and I guess wear cotton and linen since those are the most breathable fabrics, and wear the hair up. I took a spray bottle filled with water to school to spray the kiddos during recess and help them keep cool, I think I might just have to take my water gun tomorrow =P hehe anyways, Love the outfit and you look very nice with white pants, those are hard to pull off but you look great.

  4. I love your blog!! I just came across it tonight, and it's adorable!

    I would wear and love every sandal in your wishlist set. Gorgeous!

    Also, I'm your 100th follower! Yay! :-)

  5. I want all of those shoes in your post! Love them :)

  6. I want the Antique look lace dress and the red swimsuit...and so honored to receive the award! thanks so muchhh

  7. Thank you for the award your so sweet =) and do you know what else is sweet? Your shoes! *dies*


  8. "...became one of my favorite shows after I accidentally watched a marathon of every episode last summer" - hahahahahahaha! Oh I laughed so hard...
    I love your summer outfit, incorporates so many wonderful colours and styles.
    Oh and also...awwwww! Thanks for this sweetie, it's an endless compliment! :D
    Much love!
    p.s. it's going to be so much fun making that award.

  9. wow beautiful swim suits and shoes looks great and congrats for awards you's is a great blog i like it

  10. What a lovely group of items you have picked out here... if it were up to me, I would definitely go for the lace dress, the red suit, and as for the heels...... ahhh that is a tough one.... probably the pretty yellow ones!

    excellent post! I will def be back to visit!

  11. Beautfifull wishlist! Hope you get everything haha

    x Robine

  12. Two things: that lace dress is amazing! Oh, the colors you could layer under there.

    And your design for the blog award is super cool. Very professional looking. I'm impressed!

  13. Aww! Thank you! I love those white capris - so perfect! and those bathing suit picks are so great! Love the delias one. : ) Delias brings back high school memories...

  14. I love your classic with a twist summer look! I love all the different pops of color!

  15. This outfit is simply fantastic, wow! Love the striped top, the hat and the pants and those shoes are outstanding!

  16. Thanks, doll!! You're tooo kind. I really want a nice white dress for summer... and wedged sandals. You look so fab in your striped tank and white capris. Fab-u-lous!

    Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a $25 Tulle gift certificate!

  17. I like the idea of a ‘not all white’ dress, and I can’t do a one piece. Well I have one but it always feels like too much fabric.

  18. you need to get that dress from ebay! it is so perfect in too many ways

  19. Other than the shoes you are wearing (fab!) those hive and honeys are my favorite item on your wish list.

  20. i love that avon dress and ALL OF THOSE shoes are adorable

  21. Congrats on the blog award! And I absolutely LOVE your nautical inspired outfit!!

  22. I am obsessed with all of your pics - especially the dresses!!!!!

  23. Congrats on your awards. And your outfit is wonderful. I am in love with your shoes

  24. Beautiful girl!

    And there's a good chance the Ruche dress needs to be mine.

  25. omg! i love your blog! congrats!
    i really like your style!
    oh!!! and your wishlist is super, especially the sandals!
    p.s. follow you, follow me????

  26. You have great summer wish list happening!!! I love the antique look lace dress - there is also one just like it on my summer wish list!!!


  27. i really love the lace dress! there's so much to do with it... especially for summer! GET IT! i really love the striped/nautical look here too.

  28. I really like the ruche dress. I don't usually go for the pure white dresses, it just seems like too much. A little bit of color, or a pattern, is nice

  29. Your'e outfit is so summery, I love it! I also really love the first three dresses shown. If the second one is only fifteen dollars, well, I think I might have to get it myself!
