I don't want to feel like it's an end of a summer

Not too much to say today, just lots of photos...
Went to the beach last night for dinner and the sunset. Took the fisheye, since I haven't used it in a while.

fisheye to the point

Wore a strapless dress that I've had for three years, and hadn't really ever worn.
It is really quite long, but I sewed an elastic into the hemline and gathered it to create a short bubble hem.

I don't want to feel like it's an end of a summer

The Rundown
Dress TJMaxx - Belt Thrifted - Sandals Unlisted - Sunnies Aldo - Anklet Gift - Bracelet Blush thanks to 365 fashion rehab giveaway

fisheye to the point

fisheye sunset

I took some photos of my Sister's First Day of School Outfit I put together for her.

First day of school fabulous

First day of school fabulous

First day of school fabulous

The Rundown
Dress and Bag New from H&M
(Everything else from my closet)
Scarf TJMaxx - Belt Gap - Shoes Aldo - Bracelets The Cavernous Jewerly Box

Summer colors

Today I wanted to wear something bright and summery and didn't wear anything from "the back of the closet".

summer close

The Rundown
Skirt Made by Me (Burda Style 'Maire' Pattern) - Top Elle for Kohls - Sandals Aldo - Earrings Thrifted - Ring The Cavernous Jewelry Box - Necklace Snoozer Loser thanks to La Fille D'or's giveaway


  1. Your sister is so cute! I love that you dressed her for her first day- that's awesome.
    And I love your outfit too!! :)

    What's the age difference between you and your sister, if you don't mind me asking.

  2. Aww what pretty sisters! Great outfit you put together for her.. and i LOVE the ring in that last photo!

  3. You look great in a strapless dress! Like the belt you paired it with. Nice bunch of photos too!


  4. That bubble dress is just lovely - you've got such a talent for seamstress-ing (something tells me that is SO not a word haha, but you get what I mean)!
    You and your sister are both blessed with such beautiful hair, you lucky ducks.
    Gorgeous pics.

  5. These photo's are stunning, I love the fisheye effect!
    Your dress looks gorgeous with the bubble hem & your sisters outfit is perfect :)

  6. I like what you did to the beach dress! I wish I was that handy with a needle and thread. I love your summery outfit too - the yellow top looks so good with the print of that skirt.

  7. I love your outfits! That dress for the beach is so cute!! :D
    And your sister looks great!!! you did a great job :)

  8. ur sister's outfit is soooo cute! she looks adorable

    i love ur blue printed skirt tooo

  9. Your sisters outfit is adorable!!! and so are you ;)


  10. Great styling for your sis - she is supercute!

    Love your outfit today and that bubble dress you made! I wish I had your sewing skills!

    Lovin' the fisheye photos too...I guess great all around post today :)

  11. Such a great idea! I love the bubble hem.

    Your sister looks fabulous! :)

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  12. Wow, wow & wow. Love the photos, both of your outfits - and the outfit you styled for your sis is soooo cute!

    This time of the year is always sad in a way -
    It's funny the changing of the seasons from winter to spring - and spring to summer - is always so positive but summer to fall and fall to winter can be so negative.
    Maybe that's just my New England mindset.

  13. Muy bonita! You look so pretty in that baby blue and yellow outfit, I totally love the colors together!

  14. Love it all! Your sister is so cute! And great job with the outfit. Don't know if I love the scarf tucked into the belt. And I love the alteration you made with the dress. Now I need to learn to do that

  15. omg! gorgeous photos! and here in hongkong we can't wait for autumn to arrive :D too hot and humid!

  16. Your fisheye photos are amazing. And I love what you did with that dress! Brilliant. Your sister's back-to-school outfit is so adorable, loving the bag. :) Oh, and the colors in your last outfit make me so happy. Pretty, pretty!

  17. i love how you did the bubble hem for your dress! i love the fisheye photos. and your sister's outfit is very cute!

    <3, Mimi

  18. Great bubble hem dress! That is awesome that you did the hem yourself. I also love the outfit that you put together for your sister. Tres chic!

  19. Seriously, all of your handmade skirts are my favorite!!!

  20. Love your outfits, the ring on the last photo is amazing, the necklace is very cute too!!

  21. how cute, your sister looks great!!! I don't want summer to end either :(

  22. i'm so sad about the end of summer. for reals. :(

    you and your sis are super cute...loved her first day of school outfit. so darling!!


  23. you both are so incredibly stylish! love your sister's laced dress! you look so fabulous too - i just adore the dress so much!

  24. wow, both you and your sister are so stylish! the photos you took are really cool too! yeah, i'm sad summer is over too. i wish it lasted longer :)

    Castor Pollux

  25. I too always feel sad at the end of Summer...I much prefer my Summer wardrobe and don't look forward to getting the woollies out! Lucky me though, I still have a late holiday to cheer me up!

  26. Your sisters are so cute...I adore the photos:)

    ps: I am hosting a lovely GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!

  27. Awwuhh, you dress up your sister, that's so awesome! SHe looks most wonderful, Miss Lyddie. I dress up my mom, it's so fun using someone else's closet to make something (even if these were your own items, you can try awes new combinations)!~ <3 I like the shoes and scarf, and I love your cheery summer outfit, you remind me of Belle wit those sleeves, hehe, very cuute.

  28. I always adore fisheye photos! Absolutely LOVE your leopard!


  29. OK, totally adorable! I love how you put together your sister's outfit, the scarf and the belt are the perfect touch :)

    xo Lynzy

  30. Your sister is so pretty. And I really like how she tucked the scarf under the belt.

    Your outfit is lovely and summery. The geometric printed skirt is fabulous.


  31. I love the outfit you created for your sister!
    The bubble hem you made for your dress is awesome too! You're great at all that. You should post some how to's sometime in your blog. :)

  32. i love all three outfits! and you styled your sister so well - perfect back to school look :)


  33. some of your prettiest pictures!!! what a cute sister, too!

  34. What a great set of pictures.
    You did a fantastic job with that dress and the bubble hem.
    When I saw your sister's first day of school picture it got me thinking whatever it was I wore when I was in school. I have to say that it is probably so much harder now and probably so much more pressure than before on what it is you wear.
    She looks really cute and its funny how she is wearing your stuff ..

  35. Absolutely love how your bubble-hemmed that dress. It looks fab! And so does the outfit you styled for your sister. That had to have made for one great first impression!

  36. Your Sister looks very cute, she's lucky having a great stylist as a Sister.

  37. Your sister looks really cute, I wish I had style like that when I was in high school or just not a dress code... I love the blue and yellow of your outfit, that combo is one of my all time favs :)

  38. Beautiful photo's you look amazing in all of them!!

    d e g a i n e


  39. I love what you did with your dress to give it a bubble hem--it looks so amazing. And nice job styling your sis! She looks so great!


  40. You always have the most gorgeous pictures and outfits, thanks for sharing!


  41. 1. You did a great job with that strapless dress.

    2. My sister never would've let me pick out her clothes. She looks great!

    3. Love your summery outfit!

  42. Geat outfits!
    The beach looks so lovely... can't wait for summer!!!

    xx Black Adder Fashion

  43. I love those pictures! And all those outfits are so cute!♥


  44. your sister will be the most well put together girl in school!

  45. I love the yellow and blue outfit!! And that outfit you put together for your sister is soo cute. You have a great eye for fashion!

  46. Okay, your sister is totally adorable!!! I hope you had fun styling her up...my sister won't let me near her... AND I am still super jealous of that necklace. It is so unusual and cool.

  47. i really don't want to say goodbye to summer! love your fisheye photos (:


  48. Don't you just love fish eye cameras? So fun. Anyway, cute little outfits you got there. As always. :)

  49. I came across your blog from acoest1984. I'm def. loving the print on the blue skirt. your play on color is great! I'm hosting a vibrant summer contest/giveaway, love to see your entry!

  50. You look gorgeous and I love your sister's outfit! Hope she had a good first day :)

    ♥ Leia

  51. hi there! i'm a reader of melissa's blog (o-my-darling.blogspot.com) and i just wanted to stop by and maybe make friends. :) sooo hi! wanna be friends?

    I feel the same way about the seasons change. I love fall, but it always makes me a little sad to see my beloved summer go. Also, you have a great sense of style! The outfits that you and your sister wore today are adorable!

  52. I love the outfit you put together for your sister!! Do you want to put together outfits for me?? =)

    I'm loving the ball/gift idea! Too fun!

  53. Aww, your sister looks so cute! I like what you put together for her, too. I definitely like to do that with my scarves as well. It's like a pseudo-vest! Nice camera lens!

  54. love these shots!

    you styled your sis so beautifully :)

  55. i love the bubble dress on you and the yellow elle top. Those are some great pictures, very beautiful! and you sister is chic too :)


  56. Hi,

    I am just going through your archives and catching up on all that I have missed and I have to say I love the outfit you put together for your sister. She is a beautiful girl and the outfit just exemplifies the fact. :)

    Love from Toronto, Canada
