I might sail off course

This morning my new coworker was wearing a sailboat cardigan. She's only been in the office for a little over a week, but seems to be pretty fashionable. (Most of my other coworkers are strictly L.L. Bean catalog shoppers).

Since I usually spend my commute reading blogs, when I get to work my mind is still in Outfit Comment Mode, and I usually survey what she is wearing as I say good morning. I think she's noticed that I might spend a bit longer staring at her clothes than a normal person, and I also think she might be creeped out. I make no excuses for myself. I told her I loved the cardigan and then immediately went to my desk and googled 'sailboat cardigan' and the exact one she was wearing came up. It's from Talbots and is on sale for $40. I then went into a small comma as I imagined all the cute ways I would wear the sailboat cardigan -- specifically with those items still in my Urban Outfitters cart.
Scalloped shorts, striped top, yellow flats,  starfish ring... I think I started to drool a little.

She came into my office and I quickly closed the window, I definitely did not want her to know I was searching for her cardigan! She'd probably leave the office and get a restraining order or something.

When I got home to write this post, the page for the cardigan disappeared! 
(otherwise, there would be a link.)

In blogging world though, it is perfectly okay to see someone wearing something awesome and then let it inspire you; like yesterday, Marie at The Joy of Fashion was wearing a great look with eggplant and turquoise. The color combo was delightful and unexpected, and wouldn't you know - I have those colors hanging on my bookshelf!

Eggplant and Turquoise

The Rundown
Top Gap - Skirt Thrifted - Sandals Onex - Ring American Eagle - Earrings Kohls - Belt Nine West

The eggplant wrap top is actually one of the first things I ever blogged about. I still have no idea why I bought a size large. Probably because it was the only one left and I tried it on with my dressing room goggles.

'antique' ring

Do you ever do that -- like an item so much that you convince yourself it fits when you try it on? Good thing it's a wrap top and I have lots of belts. And safety pins.

The turquoise skirt was thrifted a couple months ago for $7, and I have yet to wear it. It's a bit long, but I let the belt fix that problem too. Its silk and another dry clean only item. Which means I didn't wash it. But I turned it inside out and attacked it with the steamer, so that's good enough, right?

Yesterday I wore this teal printed dress, that I haven't worn since 2008. My Mother told me it looked Matronly. What do you think? Is this dress Closet-Worthy? 

Wrap Dress

The Rundown
Dress Express - Cammi TJMaxx - Belt TJMaxx - Earrings Kohls - Sandals Frye


  1. Hahaha, you creeper, finding things other people are wearing. ;)) bahaha, but I totally do the same thing. I sort of pretend to take it off them and steal it from them. xD! I definately get lots of inspiration from people and get obsessed over one thing, like maybe a lace dress they have or something, and then get crazy searching to find one.

    Your turqoise sandals are adorable (as is your yellow nail polish!). And I totally know what you mean by finding something that fits you horridly but then ending up buying it anyway. ;) JUST CAUSE.

  2. I love that dress and I think it would look only remotely matronly if you wore loafers and were older and had no belt..etc. You look great!
    I just bought a pair of cute yellow shoes but haven't worn them yet, so maybe I'll go a bit more nautical with a look :)
    Great post!

  3. I have coworkers that come into my office everyday and make me stand up so they can see my entire outfit and what shoes I'm wearing.
    I'm sure she'd be flattered to know you're inspired by her style.
    And yes, keep the dress. Maybe just shorten the sleeves. I like the print. Personally, I'm not a fan of dresses with sleeves on me.

  4. PS- if you ever want to get rid of that eggplant top, I would gladly take it off your hands! :)

  5. I can imagine your co-worker being puzzled if you look at her clothes in detail every day! I like the wrap dress too. I have a similar one and I thought it might look matronly but the way you've accessorised it makes a big difference.

  6. I happened across you blog via the Rosebud network - positively lovely!

    The fashion blog reader in me definitely lacks an "Off" switch. I scan everyone I see for style inspiration! I love that darling sailboat cardi and the outfit you created with it. The eggplant and turquoise combo is genius, sometime I definitely wouldn't have thought of but now am slightly desperate to try. I like the length of the skirt - makes the look slightly retro in a Mad Men kinda way? And the Express dress is lovely, in my opinion. (:

  7. I find that dress anything but matronly! I might shorten the sleeves to elbow-length to make it feel more young, but it fits you so well!

    And I totally would have e-stalked her cardigan too.

    (You're so pretty in your close-up photos!)

  8. Ooh, I love those scalloped shorts from your inspiration board! Also, good for you, wearing neglected clothes as you vowed to do recently -- that's great!

  9. The dress is cute, but it reminds me a bit of something I would wear while pregnant. Maternity. So unless you're planning on having a baby in the next little while, I say skip it

  10. What a cute post! I used to have a co-worker who had a very similar style to me that I'd always be checking out.

    And yes, ALL THE TIME I convince myself to buy stuff that's the wrong size. It's a serious problem.

  11. : ) I do that all the time, not really at work since I work with mostly men in suits - but, I think she would be flattered if you complimented her style.

    As for the dress -personally I'm not a fan of large prints on dresses as it can be daunting to pull off. I think you look great, but you might get more milage out of it -it it were separates like a skirt or a top in that print- rather than a dress.

    But again you do pull it off.

  12. I adore the eggplant and turquoise mix :D.

    Your looking amazing as always.

  13. Eggplant and turquoise are beautiful colors, can be very elegant together.:D

    I think the dress would be really closet-worthy if it has shorter sleeves... but then again, you can always roll them up or something.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  14. haha you're funny - did you get the cardigan?? :)

  15. I'd stalk the sailboat cardigan too - so cute!

  16. You look lovely darling! The teal print dress is my fave!

    ♥ Leia

  17. Mum isn't always right - I like the dress and you should keep it! x

  18. i dont think that dress looks the slightest bit matronly, but i do agree that it may benefit from slightly shorter sleeves.

  19. HAHA I feel the same way! I just let others inspire me and sometimes I will stalk someone down just to ask them where they purchased that fabulous ______.
    Have a great weekend!
    xo Lynzy

  20. That cardigan is so cute! I would have looked it up too...haha...luckily no one I work with wears things that make me want to buy them XD
    But I see bloggers wearing things I want all the time, hee
    I love both the looks you posted too, especially the dress :D

  21. I love how you're seeing inspiration all around you - that is so awesome. And I laughed out loud as you described yourself eyeing up your colleague! bahahaha Loved that part!

    Have a great weekend and flash those cute yellow toes around :)


  22. I am an observer too. Sometimes I stare. Sometimes I fear that I will be thought of as a stalker-
    Once in the supermarket I was checking this gorgeous bag a girl had in her cart along with her groceries. She gave me the evil eye and picked up her bag, like I was going to steal it. It felt so bad-
    I love that sailor cardigan but I think it would have been odd if you actually bought it and then went to work with it...

  23. I really like the blouse with the sailboat, it's gorgeous. And you look stunning! I really like your smile :)


  24. Hi!
    What a gorgeous outfit!

    Just passing by to invite you and your readers to take part on my newest GIVEAWAY.
    A Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Necklace by Tom Binns for Disney Couture!

    Hope to see you soon.

  25. i love the eggplant turquoise combo :)

  26. I love those teal shoes!!! So much! <3

    Jo @ <a href='http://sunkissed-wilmington.blogspot.com/2010/08/trend-watch-geometrics.html">Sun Kissed</a>

  27. I love your green dress!! And that sailing sweater is too cute. I love nautical things!

  28. That cardy is so beyond darling...and I love the yellow flats too!

  29. I love how you are living vicariously through your co-worker and she doesn't even know it...I once got off a bus three stops early to stalk a girl with amazing clogs. That cardigan is definitely stalk-worthy!

    The dress...it fits you nicely, but I might agree with the matronly part. Do you love it? How does it make you feel when you wear it? I usually go with how something makes me feel when I put it on and am wearing it throughout the day.

  30. Those sandals are the best - LoVe the colour!!!

  31. I am ALWAYS staring at people's clothes. They must think I'm so creepy.... That sailboat sweater is totally worth stalking, though.

    I love your eggplant and turquoise combo. The dress is super cute, too. The sleeves are a little long though - I agree with a previous commenter about shortening them. The print on the dress is anything but matronly.

  32. Um, I don't even know where to start today. Everything is just gorgeous and you look amazing!

  33. I think the green dress is great! I love it! Not matronly! Ha ha that's too funny about the sweater, maybe she saw you looking and went online and bought all of them! XX!

  34. FABULOUS OUTFIT. Love the turqoise with eggplant. Sooo sooo nice. And am totally into scalloped shorts, too. So so cute

  35. i want the stripey tee and the shorts! Love navy theme! :D

  36. That cardi is amazing!! I want one know! Lol!

