Interview with La Fille D'or

I can't remember how I first found my way to La Fille D'or, Wardrobe_Remix, perhaps, but she quickly became one of my favorites. I adore her style, which is a mix of vintage pieces, classic cuts, lots of florals and big sunglasses!
When she asked me if I would like to do an interview swap, I of course jumped at the chance!

Limantour Beach Point Reyes

What prompted you to start the blog; before La Fille D'Or did you read many other fashion blogs? How did you find your way to the fashion blog community?

I had worked on a collaborative fashion blog before involving local boutiques and designers in the easy bay area outside of San Francisco where I live. But, due to time constraints and the changing economy, and life in general - the blog did not continue on, and it was sometime before I decided to do a blog on my own. I stuck with fashion because it's something that I really enjoy, but there are other things in here as well, food - I love to experiment with vegan cooking and baking! Travel, if it were possible I would travel all the time, I love even just traveling and exploring places in California. I also write about movies, art, and books - anything goes I guess!

I did and do read a lot of other style blogs as well, call it voyeuristic, but I like that I can get a glimpse into someones life and what they do on a daily basis and what influences their personal style.

Has your style evolved greatly over the years? Would 15 year old you approve of the style choices you are making today? If you could, would you tell 15 year old you not to wear any particular style or article?

15 yr old me was way cooler! I was definitely much more adventurous with color. One of my favorite outfits was a pair of shredded tights, velvet knee high boots and a paisley print 60's mini dress. I think at 15 I also dyed my hair black and had an asymmetrical bob. I don't think I could rock velvet boots now or bright poly-paisley dresses, but it was a lot of fun. I would definitely encourage 15 yr old me to keep experimenting away! If anything 15 yr old me would probably not like my current closet and call it stuffy.

My style has definitely changed since college. Where I wore mainly 60's babydoll dresses and flats (and had a bob) I would also wear a lot of skinny jeans with band t's and cardi's and such.

I don't really know if I could put a finger on what my style is now, as it is am amalgamation of so many things I like! A smorgasbord of styles- vintage 50's,60's,70's,90's, classic, mod, preppy, romantic, girly...

another one

Is there anything in your closet you absolutely love, but never wear?

Oh, this used to be the case! I had lots and lots of stuff I never wore. But I've gotten much better. Thanks to several style challenges, reading about other's closet woes, and taking tips from other bloggers. I have managed to put my closet and wardrobe in perspective - and I'm really trying hard just to buy what I really need - and right now I'm happy to say that I don't really need anything.


It's been six months since you started your blog, and I can recall an early post when you discussed how you came up with the name, La Fille D'or. You talked about a new start, and being hopeful that things change for the better. Half a year later, what are you sentiments? Are you happy with your changes? Are you the Golden Girl?

I was referring to new beginnings- maybe I was having a quarter life crisis (haha) when I started the blog. Maybe we all go through something similar where, we start out on one path with a clear destination in sight, but end up going down a totally different road. I was all set to go into the arts dance, singing - but I got ill. So ill, that I was unable to do the things I really loved. This all happened at a very critical time right before college when I should have been in top form to apply to the schools I wanted to. I really was shattered. But, I went to to college, I studied English Lit. I moved to the west coast. I traveled a lot, and am enjoying my everyday life. While I still haven't found my true calling in life (career wise anyhow) I am enjoying the work that I do, spending time with my awesome hubby - and I am having a great time with this blog - as through it I've been able to document life, meet many interesting people and new friends.

You've just found out you won a giveaway for a vintage piece by your favorite designer, what have you won?

Wow! I would love to have one of the Givenchy dresses designed for Audrey Hepburn. Specifically that lovey strapless gown from Sabrina.

You often mention all the really tasty dishes you have cooked, so I'm sure you are an excellent chef - what is the best meal you've made?

Cooking is something relatively new for me. I mean I never learned to cook from my mom. or grandparent. I went on my way to college where I survived on cafeteria food and hotplate cooked meals. When I got my first and very cute vintage studio apartment I never ever cooked because it came with a not so cute vintae Wedgewood gas stove that I needed to light with a match. I was so scared of blowing myself (and the building) up that ended up dining out a lot and living off leftovers. But, now that I have proper kitchen (and a willing guniea pig) I have been experimenting a lot with cooking and loving every minute of it.

I am Vegan and gluten-free so that kind of adds to the challenge/fun of cooking.

So far, the best meal I've made is a really simple black fig pasta dish served with a crumbled olive and walnut tofu 'feta' topping.

In your perfect world, you have:

a) really huge empty closet you can fill with anything
b) a perfectly edited closet of classic pieces
c) your closet right now, with a dozen more pairs of shoes

B, please! This would be my dream come true. But, I think it is beyond me to simplify my life that much!


If you haven't already, I hope you will stop by La Fille D'or and say hi!

All Photo Credit Belongs to La Fille D'or


  1. I love her style! It's classy yet cool!

  2. Ahh, I love her style! That first one especially, such a lovely silhouette. :D

  3. this interview is good! loved reading her answers! i also love her blue shorts. :D

    <3, Mimi

  4. Great interview! Great style! Her look is effortless. She should be frolicking in gardens. That sprout fierce petals.

    Or, you know, whatever...

    (OH AND AMAZING HAIR. Look at those BANGS. Envy? YES.)

  5. she has a great style! i'll have to check her out :)

  6. oh how funny, I just read her blog!! and saw the post about you, you guys are so cute!

  7. great interview thanks for sharin - i'll definitely visit her blog!

  8. What a great interview! I love the images that go with it as well.



  9. Love her style and that interview...Kisses,sweetie

    ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)

  10. great interview! I love her style!

  11. What a great interview, I haven't heard of her blog before, off to check it out now xo

  12. That's very nice =)

    Have a pleasant day,

  13. wah.. gotta check on her blog immediately ^^

  14. She has great style! Love the bellbottom jeans! I will go check you out now! XX!

  15. she has a great style.. great interview(:
    I'll follow your blog if you'll follow mine:

  16. Love her style! Definitely checking out her blog!

  17. An interview swap!? How fun! Love her style.

  18. Such a great idea of swapping interviews. Great post and I am sure to check out her blog.

  19. Nice interview, i think its a real eyeopener that she only buys something when she needs it..
    Im trying to do so as well, but i just love to go shopping as a reward for being in a bad mood or having to work real hard..

    Sjanna from wehavebeenexpectingyou
