Tights are back

The tights are out. And I'd forgotten how badly organized they are, which isn't a reflection of my organizational skills, but of the place where I'm forced to keep them. I have no drawer space, so imagine keeping your tights in a box under the bed. Every time you need a pair you are forced to dump out the box and make a mess and even if you take the time to fold them up all nice and neat, as soon as you need a pair that's on the bottom, it's a huge mess again.

Tights are back

It's raining. Again. And will tomorrow and possibly Thursday. The weatherman is promising me a beautiful weekend though. He'd better not be lying, because I can't take anymore grey skies.

Tights are back

The Rundown
Dress TJMaxx - Shoes Tahari - Belt Thrifted - Earrings Arabella - Tights Don't Remember

I need to wear blazers with shorts. Need.


Don't remember where these came from, so sorry!

Exciting news; I won a CSN stores giveaway at Le Sigh of a Fashionista! Thank you so much Stephanie! What should I get?


  1. I busted out tights for the first time today, too! It's kind of depressing and nice all at the same time. Your outfit looks perfect for early fall.

    Have you tried hanging your tights? I tie mine around hangers, which is pretty handy when picking out a pair in the morning.

  2. I second the suggest to hang your tights. They're easier to find when their hanging out in the open.

    I love the dress!

  3. I broke out my tights for the first time today as well!

  4. Love the outfit! And yea...my tights are all mixed in with my unmentionables and bathing suits, haha

  5. Tights...I have some giant, mental draw full! So impossible to find the good ones!

  6. Love love love the look! Those Tahari shoes are just gorgeous. And I'm a huge fan of the blazers-and-shorts combo as well. (:

    Congrats on winning the CSN giveaway! My friend Jen and I have one of those going on at our joint fashion blog (StyleThroughHerEyes.com) right now. CSN must be in a very giving mood - I keep seeing people hosting their giveaways! Haha

  7. I'm a tights addict. Thankfully I have some storage space or else I would be screwed. I tend to keep a million pairs on hand, because when i need them, there's always seem to be holes that have gone unnoticed until that point!! I've been relishing tights season all week!

  8. love that dress ! very pretty color.

  9. love this look! that belt is perfect for this dress :)


  10. I keep my tights in a Target bag. Your box is way classier. How did I never think to tie them on a hanger like other commenters have said?!
    I'm imagining shorts, blazer, and tights.... Too cute.

    Congrats on your win!

  11. I have a similar problem with tights in a mess. I so need to get organised. Love your dress and congrats on winning the comp

  12. I have a similar problem with tights in a mess. I so need to get organised. Love your dress and congrats on winning the comp

  13. I don't even wn one pair of tights...crazy huh?! I need to get a couple pairs for this season.

    <3, natasha
    don't forget to enter my Charlotte Russe giveaway
    twenty-something blog

  14. I too find it hard to organise my tights! Despite the gloomy skies you look great :)

    ♥ Leia

  15. you look so cute and cozy in that dress! But, do hope that you get your sunny weekend. As for tights - I don't have very many to orgnize and they are just stuck in a drawer I sae with the hubs - and actually thanks for reminding me I need to get a new pair of black ones for NYC!

  16. That sounds like my sock and belt drawer! All in one drawer... Horrible.

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  17. Great outfit - love the dress!

  18. I'm quite excited about tights! And I've gotten to sneak in some blazers with shorts lately - the temp is just right for it!

  19. Congrats! Hmm a fancy pillow from Thomas Paul or Le Creuset baking set.
    Ahh yes shorts with blazers are totally cute!

  20. Thanks for your comment!! You are very nice also in this post! I like the blue of sweater !! :)

  21. your earings are so fabulous!
    besides, i am looking for a similar boyfriend's blazer!

  22. Okay we are totally parallel life-ing it right now. i totally had to dump my tights out today and make a hot mess before the refold. All the while all I could think of was developing some other solution. Argh


  23. Oh tights! I love them. Nice inspiration pics you put up! Have a great day girl1


  24. I love the dress! I'm not ready for tights yet...

  25. tu est superbes sur tes photos j'aime beaucoup ta robe bleue

  26. I am loving your dress and that belt:) hugs,sweetie

    ps: I am hosting a really sweet GIVEAWAY today, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!

  27. Love the tights, and you made it til October before breaking them out. Pretty impressive!

  28. I have the same storage dilema. No drawer space, so my bin of tights is in my too-full closet also serving as a tripping hazard. Worth it though. So glad to be wearing tights again!

  29. I'm wearin' my tights today too! It's cold out here in Portland! Love your blog!


  30. Beautiful outfit!
    Enter my giveaway if you like :)

    xx Chouchou

  31. I got super ambitious and busted out tights weeks ago and I died of heat stroke. Big mistake. I loop mine on a hanger and that seems to keep them pretty well organized.

    I love your belt and how you tied it! I looks so clean and polished.

    I hope you get your warm weather!

  32. seriously weather man, can a girl get a sunny day

  33. Love the look! I love that dress, and I love that you got it from TJMaxx. Great finds are the best!

    Who Does She Think She Is, Madonna??

  34. I love the yellow blazer in the last picture. It'd be such a great piece to brighten my day when it gets dark at 4 and it's cold outside.


  35. i love the shorts blazer combo in the last pic.

  36. I am watching everyone pull out there tights while sit in hot weather...
    You can take your tight and organize them in a hanger, it works.

  37. I considered bringing my tights out this morning, but I wore pants instead. I couldn't do it! Blazers with shorts are totally doable. Love this!


  38. OH Congratulations! I am still so thrilled seeing my give-away on your sidebar! I know what a nerd!


    Win a Banana Republic Statement Necklace at:


  39. me too! i totally need to wear a blazer with shorts. :D

    <3, Mimi

  40. I fold my tights too...

    Wearing a blazer with shorts is a good idea.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  41. I KNOW ISN'T IT SO EXCITING! I wore tights Monday and Tuesday and today and I'll wear some tomorrow ansd wekjhsfksdf you look awesome and adorable. :) I love the draping on the neck of that dress, and the color is so perfeect! And if that weatherman is lying I'll beat him up. I sure am promising to beat a long of things up for you. :D Such a good blog buddy, I is.

    Blazers with shorts is super cute. I love that last one with the yellow, so cute. <3

  42. Tights aren't all bad.. although I'm looking forward to banishing mine for the summer!

    You look very cute.. and hmm a new handbag?

  43. yes..tights are back...love your earings btw!!!!

    thank you for passing by and leaving your sweet comment! it means a lot for me! remember you can keep in touch with my blog via blogger, bloglovin or facebook!

    xoxo from rome

  44. That dress is great, but that belt is a tooootal win. Well done!

  45. Wow! It's such a lovely Blog you have here!:)
    xx, Alice from bells and whistles
    Ps: Feel free to check out my Blog and if you want to follow me I would be so glad :)

  46. LOVE your dress!



  47. blazers and shorts are SO cute. ill have to remember this for work when it gets a little cooler out. I absolutely love you page and your photos. I work at TJ Maxx and im so happy when i see stuf i know we have at our store in your blog. now i finally feel like i can wear some of the merchandise :) ♥u!

  48. I need a brilliant way to organize my tights. If you come up with something, let me know! I'm going to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond tomorrow after work to see if inspiration hits!

    And congrats on your win!
