Checked out

I must confess, this dress is actually meant to be a top. It was in Avon's catalog last summer and I (thinking it was a dress) mentioned to my Mom that I liked it. She responded with something like "Really? I think it's ugly and looks like a picnic table cloth."
So I didn't buy it, and then eight months later she gives it to me for my birthday.
Only turns out, it's supposed to be a tunic top and not a dress and at this point I can't exactly exchange it.
I check out the hem, and discover there is actually enough fabric to let it out almost two and a half inches.
So now it passes the fingertip test. We're good, right?

Checked out
Checked out
Checked out
Checked out
This is my attempt at a ...Love Maegan side french braid. Needs a little perfecting.
Checked out
The Rundown
Dress Avon All Checked Out - Boots Steve Madden Jessii - Belt Thrifted - Earrings Aldo - Necklace The Cavernous Jewelry Box - Flower Ring Kohls


  1. I love the gingham print with that belt! Such a great combo. Too funny that your mom got it for you even though she didn't like it herself. Letting out the seam is such a great trick to lengthen dresses and skirts!

    Complex Cardigans

  2. I'm really loving the light blue gingham print that I see a lot of now. It looks great with the boots you paired with. I love your hair too. I think you did a beautiful job with it.

  3. Doesn't look like a picnic cloth at all. I adore the blue and white pattern, it's very youthful and bright :D

  4. the length of that dress (i'm just going to call it that!) is kinda awesome on the short side since it has the feel of an oversize dress shirt while still being fitted on top!

  5. Hahah - gotta love moms! But I think that this dress is ADORABLE. I love the print. It reminds me a bit of Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz). Which is one of my favourite musicals - so DEFINITELY a good thing!

    You look so incredible!!!

  6. Cute dress! I love the gingham print.

  7. LOVE the blue white gingham with the I wish my hair is long enough to braid...

  8. i definitely have some posts coming up wearing all the things i scooped up! every time you wear these boots you remind me that i own them. then my guilt for not wearing them grows larger :) i really need to get them back on my feet. i like how you styled them with this dress. it is picnic chic :)

  9. I love it! Your hair is so beautiful.

  10. i really like this dress and it's great for the summer months!

    cute & little

  11. I am really loving this on you! The belt and booties look like they are a match made in heaven! And the checked dress.. perfection! Yes- you are good with this being a dress! Cheers!

  12. I love the dress! Plus your boots really go well with it :) Great outfit!

  13. Oh my stars I loooooooove your blog!!! Just found it I have no idea how I found it but SO glad I did. You've got fantastic style lady.

    Don't you love side braids?? I wear my hair in a style similar to that side french one almost everyday. Sometimes I do the braid bit across the back of my head then tie it in a ponytail. I've also started doing a side messy bun. At work (I'm a nurse) I wear a uniform so I like to wear my hair with ribbon in it so I feel like I've got some personality.

    Now following :) :) :) Can't wait to see your future posts.


  14. I LOVE that chic little checked dress! So cute, especially paired with that belt.
    xo Josie

  15. aww sweet mom :P and you did a great job of fixing it :)

  16. The fingertip test always checks out. Although the length looks fine as it is and smart too!

  17. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! I'm so glad to have found yours! I will definitely be back to look around! :)

    It's great you didn't allow circumstances to stand between you and your dress, and lengthened it! The gingham is great and has a casual summery feel, reminds me of school holidays. :)

  18. Ooooh Lyddie this is cute. Don't you just love moms? One minute they're giving you a rough time about something...the next thing you know that something is wrapped up under the tree (or bday). My mom's totally the same way! I think you could also wear it w/leggings or skinnys and boots and look super cute. Then again it is almost summer :)


  19. So lovely!!!You look so stylish!

  20. LOVE YOUR DRESS! you look fab as usual!

    Happy week!

  21. LOL - your mom is a sneaky one ;)

    You've got the gams to pull off the mini-dress - I love it styled with the booties!

  22. Well played! I love that shirt as a dress. :)

    Melanie@Unravelled Threads
    Follow @UnraveldThreads on twitter!

  23. love the booties :) Shirt dresses always look awesome

  24. I really like it with that belt. Plus, your hair looks awesome! More inspiration to keep growing out my hair...

  25. Hahaha, your mom sounds funny. I don't think this "dress" is too short at all! I think it's great for the weekend!

  26. I think it's definitely workable as a dress - and I love your mom's attempt to throw you off the trail! the side braid also looks really cute, you did a good job with it.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  27. Love it! And yayyy for being able to slower the hem! Its the perfect length now :)

  28. It does look like a picnic table cloth but it doesn't matter because it's too cute! I also like the way you styled your hair with this outfit. How sweet of your mom to remember!

  29. Love the way you have styled your top/ dress and the side braid. It looks really fresh.

  30. love the braid...such a springy dress ans I love how you styled it with the ankle boots!!

  31. You look great, I always love big checks and blue! I'm envious! =D

  32. If it hadn't been for your story, I would never have guessed that this dress wasn't always, in fact, a dress :) I love how simply you've styled it, the print really does speak for itself and makes a statement without the need for accessories. Love your side braid, too- I'm still perfecting my technique on that one :)

  33. i like it it's cute, & i like how you wore it.

    aww that was sweet of your mum

  34. You look great in this outfit! I saw your interview on Tres Fly's blog. I really like your style. I'm now following your blog! :)

  35. Very cute! Gingham is so great in the spring - and very Easter appropriate!

  36. That's a cute tunic/dress, I love a great gingham print. Your booties are fabulous!! I agree you passed the fingertip rule plus your grown so it doesn't matter

  37. I think you´re really cute in it! :-)

  38. I like the dress a lot! Definitely has a romantic/weekend in the country vibe. I really want the pink neon gingham shirt from J.Crew but I think $72 is overpriced. Maybe it will go on sale?

  39. I have been searching for the perfect gingham shirt for weeks now and finally found one ON SALE in the boys section at Jcrew! Loving this dress on you with the belt and boots!

    xo Lynzy

  40. yeah we're good. I was actually have a convo with my husband about how in middle school our skirts/shorts had to reach out fingertips and mine never did. I cant believe I ever wore skirts and such that didnt reach my fingertips.

  41. cute top as a dress.. I like it on you.. the plaid looks great and I love the belt and booties... very sophisticated if you ask me!! xoxo J

  42. love the way the belt is tied. very cute and chic! and the messy braid is adorable.

  43. you're good. it definitely doesnt look too short

  44. Wonderfull dress!
    I like this kind of wear and think that you are a fashion girl!


  45. Lady, you've got the personality to pull off a tablecloth and the legs to pull off that length!!

  46. Loving the side braid, looks perfectly undone!

  47. I love big check prints! And that necklace is to die for. I really really want to dig through your cavernous jewelry box, just to see everything that's in there :)

  48. GREAT GINGHAM DRESS! I've been wanting to get a gingham top, but this is so adorable i might want a dress too!

    Claire @

  49. I almost bought that top/dress but didn't because I thought it was an awkward length. I see I was wrong, you look so cute!
