Hand in pocket

I knew this was going to be one of those mornings when I would not want to get up and go to work, so I made sure I picked out my outfit the night before.

Only when I woke and put it on this morning, I hated it. Fast forward to ten minutes before I'm supposed to be out the door, and I haven't even left the closet yet (not even for coffee)!

Finally I pulled this dress. Simple work appropriate cut, nice print, and pockets. Get a little matchy-matchy with my accessories, and hooray, I'm ready to leave the house.

I think this is the first time since the weather got nice that I've had trouble putting a look together. Don't you hate it when you have a case of the Mondays on a Tuesday?
Hands in pockets Hands in pockets Hands in pockets Hands in pockets Hands in pockets
The Rundown
Dress Gap - Sandals Seychelles Gypsy - Woven Clutch London Fog - Necklace Made by Me "Sweet Drops" - Belt Thrifted - Bracelets Kohls and The Cavernous Jewelry Box

Last night I failed to get a decent photo of a firework. Consider this awesome sunset my way of making it up to you.
Sunset on the 4th - orange Sunset on the 4th - purple


  1. That print is amazing! It looks very versatile with accessories and I loved how you utilized different pops of color with it. Speaking of color...loving your photos of the sunset. Yeah, taking photos of fireworks is pretty difficult. My past photos just look like random strings of lights that resemble nothing even close to a firework. haha


  2. i never attempt to pick out an outfit before hand, because what happened to you ALWAYs happens to me and then i feel like a failure the rest of the day. lol
    love the turquoise with the dress

  3. The teal accessories and coral shoes look awesome together.

  4. The sunset photos are spectacular!

    I do hate it when I can't come up with anything to wear. I mean, really, my closet should yield something good, right? That's why I make my outfit choices the night before so that I'm not running late in the morning hehe

    Wear this every day.
    Okay, maybe not every day.
    But a lot.
    And that clutch --

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. You look great. I hate those I-hate-the-outfit-I-originally-wanted-to-wear moments. I had one today too. It just didn't work. And I was upset, you know, because I'm trying to hurry up. So I decided on the simplest outfit ever. And it didn't look half as good as yours.

    Nioooce sunset!

  7. Beautiful sunset! I think you look great for a last ten minute outfit. I like the turquoise touches with the black and white.

  8. What a great go to look! I would've never guessed you pulled it together in 10 minutes! I love all your accessories too!

  9. I have so many mornings like that...and look at your outfit! It's one of my favorite or yours! Love the turquoise touches and then the red orange. Perfect!

  10. Wow, those sunset pictures are beautiful! I had a hard time getting any decent firework pictures too.

    I really like the turquoise and coral/orange in this outfit!

  11. I seriously can't believe you pulled this outfit together on the fly! Amazeballs! You look gorge - I love the colours and how your accessories totally tie in.

  12. I like it! That turquoise belt is a definite favorite of mine. I like to pick out my outfits in advance, but often hate them the next day or envision them totally different than they turn out. That's when I usually reach for a dress too!

  13. I love the turquoise accessories with this dress and the shoes provide a nice pop of contrasting color. I own this dress and I've only worn it twice. I need to put in in the rotation more.

  14. The turquoise and coral are just lovely. You have a great talent to pull fabulous things together at the last minute!

  15. Those sunset images are amazing! And I am all kinds of crazy about this dress. I also have a terrible confession to make...I was having such a bad case of the Mondays this morning (we're suing our old landlord and so I had a dismal weekend of reading statutes, filling out court papers, etc.) that I played hooky and slept in and refused to work on my dissertation and even missed my pilates class.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  16. You're too cute, lady! I love the pops of turquoise in your look.
    xo Josie

  17. Work-appropriate, cute dresses are the best. Ever. Especially on mornings like the one you had. I love the accessories, too!

    Lydia x

  18. I know the feeling - the worst is trying everything on only to hate it all! I think you look great though :)

    As for the DIY... I dunno, I didn't use vinegar and mine seem fine!

  19. What a great dress! The accessories really make it stand out, I especially like the orange sandlas with the turquoise necklace.

    Haha, I'm terrible at deciding what to wear the night before. I never like it in the morning, so I gave up on it altogether and just spend ages on dressing up every morning - oh well, I enjoy it. :)

  20. Always fun, casual and so chic.

  21. A) Every day I don't have to wear my uniform is one of those days for me!
    B) Love that dress, the print is stunning and I LOVE how you've style it, especially with that belt!!
    C) What a beautiful sunset.
    D) You have to go with her!! Paris sounds amazing, can't wait to see it with my own eyes, even if it is a fleeting trip

  22. You look gorgeous! I love that the dress has pockets!

    Amazing sunset photos.

  23. I hate picking out clothes some mornings, and I nearly always go to a dress as well! This outfit looks really cute and pulled-together, though. :D

  24. The challenges you had in putting your outfit together are in no way reflected in your outfit! I love your dress and you accessorized it so nicely!

  25. Lovely outfit! I adore the colorful clutch and shoes :)

    And beautiful sunset pictures! Magical!


  26. On the other hand, this is only a four day work week!

    I'm afraid I might have one of those day today. Probably should get off the computer then.


  27. Well, I don't know what you had planned before, but I love this outfit! And thanks for the pretty sunset pics. There's a burn ban in Austin right now, so I didn't see fireworks at all!

  28. that dress is amazing! i'm seriously in love with it!!!

    ♥ allister bee blog

  29. Very beautiful! you looks amazing in this dress! Oh and those seascape pictures look so mystical and beautiful!

  30. Love this outfit! So great, especially since you just threw it together.

  31. I absolutely love this outfit! The dress has such great colors, especially with those beautiful shoes! You look great!

  32. I love the pop of color from the shoes! And the sunset picture is so gorgeous!

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

  33. You did quite well for only 10 minutes !
    AND YES I hate it when tuesdays turn into mondays.
    Lately I have been putting outfits together when I am in the mood so when I am out of time I just grab and go.
    Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't-

  34. I think it all worked out in the long run - love this look! The pattern is gorgeous and I love the pops of coral and turquoise.

  35. I love the print on your dress. I usually wind up not liking outfits I pick out the night before.

  36. its nice to have a fool proof dress handy on days like that. I always go with basic black when I am having a craptastic morning

  37. i really love the pop of color in your outfit. its really pretty!


  38. I love this with the turquoise accessories! Dresses are such a great go-to when nothing else is working.

    Shopping and Spreadsheets

  39. WAH I JUST SO LOVEEEE THAT CLUTCH. It's so incredibly perfect. AMAZING.

    And you're rocking it as always. Especially with those shoes. They're so PAM! I love it!


  40. .... What was wrong with the outfit?, its so cute, I am totally into that dress, clutch perfect and shoes do such a nice complement to everything. Love it.
    Beautiful red sunset.


  41. Ooooh this is cute! I'm telling you those shoes were such a worthwhile investment...and girl I hear ya on the Monday blues on Tuesday. I took yesterday off to avoid it altogether. haha!


  42. I have been having a case of Monday and Tuesday everyday so far. It took me a hour to get dressed..:(

    Your go to dress is fabulous, I love the burst of colors you have with your accessories. I especially love that clutch and your shoes!! :)

  43. Lovely dress! I have a green dress that is my 'don't-know-what-to-wear' dress for those days when I'm not feeling too excited about life. It looks good and is appropriate for most situations. Apart from, you know, rock climbing for example.

  44. what a wonderful sunset and a wonderful outfit! you look great! i've been out of blogland too much--working on trying to find this balance... i've just catching up with all your recent outfits and your closet and i love it!!! you wear summer well :) hope you are enjoying it!!!

  45. I love the red and turquoise accents in this outfit! Some really beautiful pictures.

  46. I love that you mixed rd and turquoise accessories, that is my favorite color combination in summer!

  47. And again I looooove the shoes and the clutch: awesome taste
    Sara C.

  48. Yeah, that happens to me too... isn't it a total bummer?! Lately I have been trying my outfits ON the night before (instead of just picking them and not trying them on). I know it sounds silly and its a little dorky, but it really saves me in the morning. If not, I start the day off completely frustrated and wearing an outfit I don't really like.

    You managed to make a wonderful outfit today though! This dress fits you absolutely beautifully!

