Shopping Marathon

This weekend I had to do all my Christmas shopping, becuase I had yet to buy a single thing, and oh hey, less than a week until Christmas... how did that happen?

It involved a seven hour trip to the mall (no exaggeration), a trip to Target, a trip to TJ Maxx, and several trips to Starbucks. Then a rather large order was placed on Amazon to finish it all up.

The Mall was not really the best place to be... lines were long, people kept cutting and then getting into arguments, there were squabbles over discounts, the kiosk people (you know, the ones who want you to polish your fingernails, straighten your hair, get a back massage, ect.) were extra aggressive, and it seemed like every time I found something I liked the only size left was extra large.

Still, I accomplished what I set out to do. I stopped over thinking, I stopped paying attention to how much money I was spending, and I didn't even buy a single thing for myself.

There was one thing though -- black wedge booties, pretty much perfect black wedge booties. They were in TJ Maxx and only $30, but they didn't have my size! So I immediately looked them up, Madden Girl "Virtuaal" and found that DSW has them, but for $50.

Obviously I don't want to spend $20 more on these boots, but they really are just what I want. If they were leather, I'd pay $50, no problem. But for synthetic, are they worth $50?

Anyway... onwards to the wrapping.

Shopping Marathon Shopping Marathon.jpg Shopping Marathon-3.jpg Shopping Marathon-2.jpg IMG_8188.jpg
The Rundown
Button Down Shrit Old Navy - Fur Vest American Eagle - Jeans Max Studio - Boots Kohls - Bracelet Vera Wang for Kohls - Ring American Eagle


  1. Oh man the mall! not fun this time of the year : ( we headed into union square to shop on Friday to get Mario a new pair of jeans - we only stopped in at Barneys and he did find jeans - but the crowds at the galleria and on the street were over whelming. I love Christmas but not all the crazy frenzy that's attached with it - it sounds like you did well and you survived the mayhem in one piece : )

  2. i'm so glad I'm not the only one. I STILL have 3 gifts to buy and seriously feel like buckling under the pressure. where did this month go?? why are people at the mall so ill-mannered? how long until we can nap for 3 days in a row?!? xo

  3. Thank goodness for amazon! I really hate going to the mall, especially during the holidays!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  4. Doesn't TJ maxx restock? or are they just that type of store that sells overstocks and leftovers? :) I don't know their concept, haha. But since you shop there a lot I think I also want them on my side of the ocean :) anywhoo... I love love love your faux fur vest! It adds instant glamour and softness to any outfit! x

  5. If you love the wedge booties, spend the extra $20. You never know if they will restock. Great fur vest paired with the olive green too :)

  6. Good luck with the presents, and wrapping, LOL

  7. Loving the outfit (of course)
    and YAY for finishing all your shopping!!!! :D
    UGH on them not having the boots in your size...I might be going to TJ Maxx/Marshalls today...what size are you? :p [hopefully you see this before I leave, haha]

  8. I like the furry vest, and it sounds like you had a busy weekend!

  9. I so loathe Christmas trips to the mall - I went out last weekend and did all my shopping in one day at the mall as well (also topped off by a Target trip and an Amazon order) and it was hell. Glad you made it through...and I love the fur!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  10. Um. I still have Christmas shopping to do too. Shame, shame. I got your card this past weekend. It is so cute! Thanks so much again for sending it! Hope you got mine ok.

    Love your fur vest Lydia!

  11. This is so cute! I love the color of your fur vest, it's so nice and looks so soft. I would just run up and touch you and then run away. Yessir. :D That bracelet is also such a fun little accessory! It reminds me of the little mermaid for some reason hahaha.

    Congrats on sticking it out and getting out there to get your shopping done! You've got guts. I'm scared to do anything like that. You are right, Christmas did come fast this year!

    Ehhh $50 synthetic? I wouldn't go for it. I feel like you could find some of those shoes in a very similar style from somewhere else. Just don't look for them and they will appear (because that's what happens: when you are not looking for a certain something, you find it! aha)

  12. Great outfit! BTW, I found those exact boots on for between $32 and $37, depending on your size/color and free shipping! Go for it, they're cute! :)

  13. I hate mall shopping to begin with, but during this time of the year, it's an even bigger pain in the ass. I dunno if It'd pay $50 for synthetic, but... if they're really gorgeous, maybe. but only maybe.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  14. Great fur vest. Your Christmas shopping seems very similar to mine except I bough myself a few things. I know, naughty.
    I would pay $50 for those shoes if I thought I would wear them at least 50 times, which I am sure you would so I say buy yourself a present. After all, tis the season!

  15. super cute outfit - those are the perfect boots for last minute holiday shopping. I did all my shopping online :)

  16. Seems like its crazy everywhere !
    We got loads of rain this weekend so people stayed home - until it stopped raining and then it was all just crazy - I did not even get close to the mall. I went to the supermarket for cookie supplies and dashed out of there... it was nuts.

  17. I love your fur vest. I have been looking for one for a while but most of them are way out of my budget. Does AE still have this one or is it an old purchase?

  18. The vest is a perfect choice for shopping. I hate wearing a bulky coat around the mall!
    I'm only 1/2 done with my shopping. So much to do in the next few days!

  19. Meh, not crazy about the booties for $50. As you said, that's a LOT to pay for fake leather. I say stalk them for a sale, or hunt around shopstyle for something with a similar silhouette.

  20. Such a great vest...perfect layering outfit for shopping. Glad you got everything done!!

  21. I dont think I've ever seen you in jeans?!? Looking awesome as always. I went to the mall on Friday around 11:30am and it was already packed. Craziness.

  22. Ugh, the mall! I went there last weekend for what should have been a 10-minute trip, and it took me an hour. Now I know never to go to the mall in December. (But Anthropologie is a different story - somehow that store never seems crazy even at Christmastime.)

  23. Seven hours at the mall....that would have been hell for me! Online shopping is where it is at:)

  24. Love the vest! It sounds like you had quite the exhausting trip...but glad you got everything done!

  25. I love Amazon - I bought 90% of my gifts from there and a couple of things for myself!

  26. cosy furry jacket!!
    i havent bought a single christmas gift yet as well :(
    i m a terrible shopper when it comes to buying presents.. always trying to find what suits best to everybody and end up... to well... late options :P
    ps i am following now! feel free to join my lemoncake wardrobe! :)

  27. ugh, so sorry you had a rough mall wknd. i hate the mall this time of year. but your outfit is great! love the vest :-)


  28. I had to do lots of Christmas shopping this weekend too, so I feel your pain. I managed to avoid the mall, but I did have to fight the crowds in Target (which seems to always be more manageable than Walmart at least). If you're still thinking about the booties in a day or two, you should go for it! :)

  29. Love the fur vest! I can't believe you braved the mall for 7 hours, holy cow, girl!

  30. love the vest (and yes! malls are crazy these days..even here in canada!)

    xo Nav

  31. I'm LOL at the "several trips to Starbucks" comment! HAHAHA I'm glad you completed everything. Happy Gift Wrapping Girl! :D

  32. You're one brave soul - I stay far far away from the mall these last few days before Christmas :)


  33. OMG seven hours? Yeesh, that's a long time. I was scared to go to Target over the weekend... major shopping destinations get a little too crazy around the holidays. I'd take crazy shopping in New York over crazy shopping at the mall-- at least you don't have to drive! This shirt pretty much looks exactly like the $110 J.Crew silk ones out right now... is it a reent purchase? I'm thinking no because I've definitely seen it on you before, but a girl can dream, right?

  34. Love this Old Navy shirt (I have it too) it looks great with your fur vest.

  35. Really love the fur vest! I know Christmas came out of nowhere this year, especially for the amount of time I have to buy presents

    Shasie of Live Life in Style
    Like My Look here on facebook to vote for me in Blogger Mannequin Style Off Competition

  36. I bet you can find the DSW/TJ Maxx Boots on EBAY! Have you looked? (Sure you have...)

    The Fashionable ESQ

  37. I just stopped while visiting your blog it glitters differently, fashion is trend and need some revolutions to become leaders I am a fashion critic and love shopping from bargain places . it feel me best task forever.
