Faking it

Even though it's been bitter cold out, sometimes the sun tricks me into thinking it's warmer than it actually is, and that cardigans with three quater sleeves and ballet flats are a good idea.

Nothing makes me think of warmer weather more than nautically themed outfits, and my goodness, I'd love some warm weather now.
fake it fake it-2.jpg fake it-6.jpg fake it-1.jpg fake it-4.jpg
The Rundown
Top Old Navy - Jeans Kohls - Cardigan American Eagle - Shoes MIA - Necklace and Bracelet Macy's - Turquoise Bracelet Vintage - Starfish Ring c/o LuShae Jewelry - Ring and Bracelet The Cavernous Jewelry Box


  1. Adore the stripes and ballet flats, very Parisian chic!


  2. we could use some warm weather in california right now too :-/ this post makes me ready for those warmer days. love the stripes!

  3. I am loving the nautical theme. That tee is fab girl and how cheery are your yellow flats. Perfect!


  4. wow, you have some seriously long hair!! I love it, and I really love this look, love love love it! haha, that's a lot of love!!

  5. Absolutely agreed. It snowed today and it is 23 outside. Nasty. Love the striped top and those cute ballet flats!

  6. Parisian chic! I LOVE your wee mustard flats <3

  7. I love the long cardi and yellow flats! You can take some of our 70+ degree humidity if you would like!

  8. Your hair looks awesome! makes me wanna grow mine out! Your dress is so perfect color. Thanks for sharing us.
    Evening Wear

  9. Stop looking awesome in nautical stuff!! :) Loving this outfit...and yes, I'd like it to be warmer too but unfortunately it will be colder before warmer...AHHH

  10. Nautical is my favorite. It's so cute and flattering on everyone. You look ADORABLE! <3


  11. Looking great! (:


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love the nautical theme - and the fact that the flats are yellow, such a nice touch in winter weather.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  14. I love the big chunky chain bracelet.


  15. nothing worse than walking outside and get a cold shock you weren't expecting!
    in love with the chain link bracelet you are wearing

  16. I love your yellow shoes lyddie :)

  17. I keep on wearing ballet flats too and freezing my feet off! They are so easy to slip into, not even thinking it is 30 degrees outside!

  18. Oh man, I commend you. As soon as the temperature drops below 50 degrees I can no longer wear ballet flats. I really hate it when the tops of my feet get cold.

    Yeah, this definitely looks more like winter in Florida, but it's sunny so you totally can't tell that it's cold.

    Also, I think you're going to love the blog I'm posting about today...

  19. Great outfit, but really digging your hair!!

  20. That weather can definitely be tricky :) You look super cute - love those yellow flats!

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. The colorful ballet flats are the perfect touch, and your photos DO make it look warm outside. But the sun has been fooling me too, and then I have to run back inside for a jacket.

  22. Just a few minutes ago I was reading an email from a friend in NY who was complaining about how cold it was and how humans should not inhabit cold places... which only makes me think you should schedule your vacations for the colder months :)

  23. It's weird how the grass is always greener, because I wish I could just pile on the sweaters right now, but it's 70 degrees here! Tomorrow it will probably be 40, and I can't take the indecision! I love your yellow flats and stripes, and perhaps you should just come down to Austin to wear your springy outfits!

  24. Oh goodness, I have such a hankering for spring right now too. Think of this striped top with a bright skirt and bold accessories down by the beach (or wherever you took your pictures at for a while). Only it's not bitter cold out, it's HOT out, because it's a nice, gorgeous May day.

    Can't you just taste it?

  25. we got snow last nigh, so in no way could you have pulled off those flats here in Boston!

  26. Your weather looks warm to me since there's no snow! I like the yellow flats.

  27. I love the nautical striped top, so chic <3

  28. very cute. love your flats. I am so over the cold weather too. The winter days are lasting way too long.

  29. Anything nautical definitely reminds me of warmer days. Love the ballet flats with your stripes!

    Even though we have warm weather right now (50 deg), it is raining like crazy, then we are supposed to get snow later. I am so over the weather! Heather

  30. Love this casual look. The striped tee is the perfect touch.


  31. Um yeah, I took my pictures in 27 degree weather this week with the wind blowing...I seriously couldn't feel my arms or legs when I was done, it was horrible! You look especially stunning in your pictures today!

  32. Just another month and a half or so and you should be able to wear your cardigans and flats without actually freezing your butt off. ;) And by that time you'll be wondering where the winter went!

    Still, I admire your bravery. You are rather brave. The Brave Little Lyddie (like brave little toaster ehhhh get it? bar har har). I think that giant chain bracelet of yours is quickly becoming one of my favorite accessories that you've got.

  33. Nautical stripes look chic all the time! Love them paired with that gold bracelet and those flats. Maybe if you keep dressing in this fashion you'll trick the weather into warming up! ;)

    xx Melina

  34. Very chic Lydia, I love the mustard flats and the stripes :)

  35. Love how you added a pop of color with your flats...I think we are all longing for some warmer days! Bring on the Spring!!

  36. I love your bracelets!


  37. This outfit is so my weekend uniform... every last detail of it.
