Wishlist Wednesday: Go Overboard

Cute prints. Yellow. Teal. I'm an easy girl to please, especially when we get into the realm of anything even vaguely nautical. 

I think we can all agree that Old Navy has been ON lately, and I nearly flipped when I saw this sail boat printed top. Because it reminds me of that Milly skirt I wanted last summer. It's currently $30, but if this baby goes on sale, I swear, I'm going to buy the extra large, and turn it into a skirt or die trying.

A $30 yellow striped swim suit that looks like it would actually make me appear skinnier than I am. Thank you Old Navy.

Leopard print sunnies. For $10. You can't go wrong. (Also in zebra, so you might need to buy both.) Especially if Old Navy has a coupon code, which they pretty much always do.

I'm not sure when I became and Essie addict, but I love this color, the inspiration for the post, Go Overboard.

The second I saw this Zara palm tree dress on The Fancy Teacup, I was smitten. $40 isn't too bad... and yes, I did have to silhouette that dress, the damn model was just ruining my whole layout. It took forever. Your welcome.

Okay, these yellow Hive and Honey color block sandals are a little pricey at $90, but I would literally wear them with everything, all summer. (Assuming they aren't too narrow, which has been a problem with this brand before.) Piperlime has free shipping and returns, so they might just be worth a try.


  1. What gorgeous colours & prints!
    Wouldn't it be amazing if money grew on trees??

  2. Seeing all these clothes makes me so excited for spring and summer! I agree, Old Navy has been killing it lately - I may need to take a trip there when I get my March "fun money" :)

  3. Yeay! I love anything nautical or tropical tinged. I haven't kept up with whats out there in the shops- so thanks for this!

  4. oh gosh, you've got me smitten over that Zara palm trees dress too. the print is just so ridiculously cute!!


  5. I used to have a little diamond palm tree necklace but I sold it, alas!

  6. That sailboat print blouse is the CUTEST :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. hahaha dying over your sailboat blouse excitement and removal of the model. Hate that crap! Don't stores know they should make everything perfect for us bloggers. I'm awful at photoshop. :)
    LOVE that sailboat top though and that shade of Essie. Gorgeous.

  8. I wish I could wear bathing suits from old navy. They're always really cute but they're never supportive enough and I'm always about to fall out of them.

  9. Oh the sailboat top is so cute!

  10. big fan of that bathing suit - it's just so happy

  11. Ack, the print are just too cute@

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  12. My favourite is the palm tree dress I'm just sad it's from Zara because nothing there ever fits me right :/

  13. I saw that same palm tree dress and thought, "OMG, I NEED THAT." I haven't bought it yet, though, because I suck.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  14. I just saw that boat print ON top on another blog recently, and I am in love! And those leopard sunnies?! Ahh, SO CUTE.


  15. I've been waiting for the sailboat top to go on sale too! I want it in neutral to pair with colorful bottoms.

  16. that Old Navy suit is calling my name!

    Stop by & enter my Vedette giveaway!

  17. I am dying over that palm tree dress...I think I just have to have it!

  18. I love the sailboat print top. It's so adorable.

  19. You win at life. I love all of these!

    I actually had the sailboat top in my hand the other day, but I put it back to wait for it to go on sale!

    As for swimsuits, my number one favorite swimsuit of all time is from Target. It's a retro one piece with ruching and a little more coverage on the bottom. I think they have them this season. If you want, I can find it for you.

    Also, palm tree dress?! Yes, about to become mine.

    Glad we're style twins. xooxoxox

  20. I really love this feature! Lydia I totally agree that Old Navy has really upped their game recently, the pieces in there I find are more interesting than at Gap. And the prices are so reasonable. Can't wait to see you get the top and the fun swimsuit :)

  21. haha i completely agree about old navy!! I love this look! I cant wait till it warms up!

  22. Love Love everything! I also agree re: Old Navy - I actually never shopped there til last May and ended up buying a great deal of sale items to enhance my summer wardrobe...I so want the yellow bathing suit!

  23. Nice wish list , wow I'm surprise it come from Old Navy, really nice. Love those shoes, I want it.


  24. woah woah WOAH...love that bathing suit! As a one-piecer for life, this definitely strikes my fancy...who wouldn't love slimming lines? If only the rain would come quickly here in CT to wash away the snow we got today! C'mon spring!

  25. Great list! Loving the yellow sandals!


  26. Yup, I think I could pretty much go for everything on your list!

  27. That bathing suit is adorable. Like. I seriously might actually consider running to old navy to buy it hahahaha. It's cute! I love one pieces because they don't fall off. >:D

  28. Ooh, that teal nail polish is so pretty! I've gotten hooked on Essie too. The smaller brush did me in - so much easier to stay in the lines when I paint my own nails.

  29. It's true about old navy---some of their designs have been DOING it for me lately! Not sure about the fit since I haven't tried anything on, but hey, better than nothing.

  30. I am loving the print on the dress and blouse... I hope you do get to do a fashion DIY and make the top into a skirt!! That would be awesome!

    Dela Chic

  31. Hope you won't mind of we have the same bathing suit and sail boat top, I've had my eye on both and waiting for them to go on sale!

  32. Old Navy has been blowing my mind right now! I am heading there first once my shopping ban is up. MAN! I need that bathing suit like crazy

  33. I like that dress and essie nail polish.

  34. I've been eyeing that adorable Old Navy boat blouse :D

  35. I saw that ON top and was reminded of Milly too. You have to let me know if you turn it into a skirt - it's so cute. I was thinking about getting it and cutting off the stupid elastic arm bands and hemming it to elbow-length. (Nothing bothers me more than random elastic hems and sleeves.)

  36. great nail color and i can def see you in the shoes & dress!


  37. Everything looks amazing. I freaking love that yellow zigzag swim suit and sailboat top! So cute.
