Last, last, last season J.Crew

I know this outfit looks a little more fall than spring, but that's because it was inspired by the J.Crew fall 2009 catalog.

I was browsing the racks at Coco's, my favorite secondhand store, last week when I spotted this orange ruffled blouse, one I immediately recognized, as I spent the latter half of 2009 lusting over it and wishing for a reduction of it's $88 price tag.

Even though it really is a size too small (I always have to size up with button downs because the top button pulls) for $18 I wasn't about to let it pass me by. 

I also picked up a cute black and white printed mini skirt for $22... can't wait for the weather to warm up a little!

And I must say that Coco's on the Green is probably the best store to happen to the center of Branford in a long time. All the other shops and boutiques that line these brick sidewalks are not very friendly to the girl on a budget. But I've struck gold at Coco's numerous times; I should probably go check out the owners two other stores sometime.

striped blazer-1.jpg jcrew ruffle top striped blazer.jpg striped blazer-3.jpg striped blazer-2.jpg striped blazer-4.jpg
The Rundown
Orange Ruffled Blouse J.Crew - Striped Blazer H&M - Jeans TJ Maxx - Boots Madden Girl - Earrings TJ Maxx - Bracelets The Cavernous Jewelry Box, Handmade - Rings Home D'Jour Consignment, Avon -
Nail Color
OPI Mod-ern Girl 


  1. Haha, Jcrew knows how to do it! You look great. I love the stripes

  2. i remember that shirt
    you are right it was and still is swoon worthy
    great look

  3. I am loving your blouse! looking gorgeous, girl!

  4. Love the mix of the stripes w/the ruffled top!!


  5. Well, maybe you were just meant to be !
    You know this gets me thinking... if this shirt is fall 2009 - then what is the average time/years an item spends in a wardrobe before it moves on ?
    Oh and I heard on tv that Ryan Reynolds bought a place in Branford so maybe you will run into him.

  6. I so want to go shopping at that store with you sometime - you find the best stuff there...and the blouse is gorgeous!

    Courtney ~

  7. that top is so cool..the color is so beautiful and the ruffles are so nice!!!

    gud pick girl!!

  8. Ooh that's so exciting!! I love when I find things I've been searching for for forever, haha :) It looks great on you! (and I have the same problem with button downs, haha)

  9. This look is awesome. Definitely very J Crew. Love your photos!


  10. so pretty! I love the rust color paired with black&white! I just stumbled across your blog and can't wait to read more!

  11. Go girl! Thrifting for the win! Love the orange with these b/w stripes! We have a ton of consignment stores in town where I'm like "um, if I wanted to pay $45 for a shirt I would just assume get it new." What's the deal with that?

  12. ruffled top with the striped sweater - LOVE it!

  13. you look good in the classic stripes and the ruffle top is VERY cute too!!

  14. what a great find! I'm still looking for the perfect thrift store around here..

  15. I love this look!

  16. That striped blazer is such a great piece, it can go with everything!

  17. What a gorgeous blouse! I am so glad you found it at a consignment store and the colour is beautiful! Nicely done and I can see the inspiration!

  18. really feeling that blazer! LOVE it.


  19. Lyddie this is so cute! Long live the item that burns in our hearts!

  20. I love the combination of the stripes with that top. Very cute!

  21. what a great find! You always have the best luck. I have to go shopping with you and hopefully some of that good deal luck will rub off on me :)

  22. wow, a great find! I also would have worn the blouse instantly, and I don't think at all the outfit looks "too much like fall" ;-)

    xxx Anita

  23. I like the blouse. You were lucky to find it at such a good price.

  24. Such pretty blouse, the other day I saw someone try that color with aqua/mint and it looked great! =D

  25. What a fun top, I love the ruffly details...and it's so perfect with the stripes!!

  26. Oh gosh, that's awesome that you got it! :D Who caaares if it's out of season? Pshh. Fashion will always come back anyway. ;D Looks totally stylish to me! I do like you in that mustard color. And against that bold black and white striped blazer, you are seriously lookin' sharp. Work it, girl.

    I really dig these pictures, too. I like how the lights are so nice and blurry in the first picture. And that last one is totally Beatles worthy. :D

  27. JACKPOT! Great top and love the stripes with it!

  28. Whoa 2009? I thought it was fall 2011 for sure. I wish there was a store like Coco's in New York. Okay I'm sure there are a lot, but not at great price points. Some of the places are just ridiculous!

  29. It's like striking gold when you find something you wanted so badly years before in a secondhand store. I'm a huge fan of one of our local secondhand stores, and have scored lots of brands I love at way less than retail.

    That blouse looks terrific on you.

  30. Nothing beats J.Crew on sale! This is a great look, your coat, blouse, jeans, everything looks so good together.

    Stay in the Lines

  31. So here's what I've decided about my beloved J. Crew: it's so pretty and timeless that I can be inspired by ANY season of it! Your interpretation is absolutely darling, doll.
    xo Josie

  32. Hello! I just came across your wonderful blog and was wondering if we could follow each other on Blogger and Twitter? Take care. :)

    — Kristina (

  33. i love ruffles! and i love your take on the look! :D

    <3, Mimi

  34. I'm in love w/ this easy look. You look so cute. Wide leg jeans are really so flattering.

    The Fashionable ESQ

  35. You look totally stunning, sweetie!!! I love the blouse and blazer combination - super snazzy! Muah

  36. You look really gorgeous. I am in love with this sort of look at the moment and fall outfits suit me fine as it is Autumn down here in Australia and we're freezing our butts off!

  37. I just started following your blog & i love it.
    This year I am trying to make my dreams come true

    follow back please?
    thank you! <3 :)
