Double Mint

Well hello there 2013. I hope the feelings I have right now, about a new year with a fresh start when anything and everything could happen last, and that things do in fact, happen.

I know things are always happening, like three different shades of green in the same outfit happened, but I mean bigger things, better things, important things.

It all comes down to me of course, and maybe, just maybe I can make them happen. I think I'll leave you with this quote I've been carrying around since my senior year of high school, and believe in the possibility that is my year, the year this quote changes from potential, to actual.

"The day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Happy New Year.

double mint-4.jpg double mint-3.jpg double mint-2.jpg double mint-8.jpg double mint-5.jpg
The Rundown
Mint Button Down Thrifted similar
Mint Cardigan H&M similar
Fur Vest American Eagle similar, similar
Red Jeans Urban Outfitters similar
Silver Flats Cindy Says similar
Tote London Fog c/o Linger Rose
Spike Bracelet Ebay similar
Crystal Bracelet Taken for Granite similar
Watch c/o Caravelle by Bulova via Lucky Fabb
Signature Spade Ring Kate Spade
 iPhone Case Kate Spade


  1. I love all the mint!
    And yes, last year I started coming out of my blossom, haha...let's hope it continues this year :)

  2. The nails are still holding up strong! ;) Love love the purse.


  3. Happy New Year doll. I hope you remain strong and achieve all you want to this year :)

    P.S. love the unexpected red/mint combo. very chic

  4. Happy New Year! It sounds like you're feeling right now exactly how I was feeling at this time last year and speaking from experience, all I can say is that no matter how terrifying the risk, it's so worth taking it :) I hope 2013 is the year when your big dreams come true. Oh, and of course a year of amazing style, too. But since you're successfully wearing red and green without looking like a Christmas tree, I think you pretty much have that covered ;)

  5. I absolutely love the double mint! I've been looking for ways to combine different shades of the same color family lately too!

    xoxo Jayne from

  6. Happy New year Lyddie! This is the only green and red outfit I've liked, I've seen other bloggers try it and I didn't like it, maybe it was the colors but yours looks really good.

  7. Happy New Year! I love all the green mixed with the fur - so pretty.

    Courtney ~

  8. I love mint, it's so beautiful!

    xoxo dear, Happy New Year!

  9. Great quote Lydia! I love all your shades of green. Happy new year Hun!

  10. love your vest! Awesome outfit! Happy new year :)

  11. I love your fur vest!!
    kisses from Milano

  12. Well hello pretty lady! I am loving the first oufit post of 2013! Faux fur and mint are so boho chic!

  13. Happy New Year!

    I love the chic take on the festive color combination here and the sparkly flats!

  14. Happy New Year. I hope 2013 brings you a joyous time. I love the fur and tote with this look!

  15. cheers to 2013! and to many more awesome color combinations!

    dash dot dotty

  16. Love the mint and red~ so cheerful and happy new yearish!

    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  17. You can do no wrong. All you can do is try it, don't look back, and no regrets. Love the shades of mint/green...would that be good with blue?!
    Happy New Year (again!!)

  18. I'm sure you've been changing and blossoming slowly over the years even if you don't realize it. Because surely now you are much different from your high school self, even if you can't see it! :)

    I love that furry vest of yours. I recently bought one but haven't gotten around to wearing it--silly me! I hope your New Year was lovely, Lyddie!

  19. Follow and pursue your dreams Lydia! You can do it! I love this outfit. Fabulous jeans, gorgeous vest and soft mint green. Superb doll! Happy 2013 to you!

  20. Great quote!
    I hope you that 2013 is the year you fully bloom.
    I love this combo - the vest is just the perfect item to bring it together.

  21. Great quote! Hope this year is full of adventure and excitement.

  22. Happy New Year Lyddie!!

    I love the three shades of green + red + fur!! You go girl!

    Such a great quote!!

    xo, sam
    **Style of Sam**

  23. This outfit is completely awesome!

    I really like the inspirational quote. Definitely is how I feel this year since certain things have fallen into place. I wish us both luck for things to happen. =]


  24. love ur look :)

  25. Happy New Year!

    The green and red together are very festive :)

  26. The fur with the green and red is so perfect! Happy New Year...hope you are able to make things happen in 2013 :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  27. Happy new year Lydia. I love the mint and red ensemble and the fur vest looks great!

  28. LOVE the double mint! You look gorgeous, the colors are just perfect together. Happy New Year!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. I like the mint and the red together, and your phone case is super cute!

  30. Ok, so your outfit is AWESOME! Who else could pair red and green like this and look soooo amazing?! And a Happy New Year to you Lydia! I hope you have a great 2013 :)
