P.S. I have nothing to wear

Leaves fall, temperatures fall, and suddenly the 90% of my closet that isn't denim seems completely unwearable. Literally overnight, mother nature made the switch from fall into winter, leaving me standing in front of my closet feeling baffled.

Tights. The key to transitioning into winter, and thankfully my recent package from Kushyfoot contained a brand new pair of both their shaping tights and their fleece lined trouser socks. I'm also a really big fan of their fleece lined tights, anything to take the edge of the biting cold helps.

Along with tights another one of my essentials is a short slip. I get the worst static cling ever and I'm not convinced any dryer sheet, coat hanger, or safety pin trick works. A very comfortable and inexpensive slip does the job perfectly and I wont say no to any extra layer either.

leopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-1.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-8.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-5.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-6.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-3.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-2.jpgleopard dress, purple moto jacket, black boots-7.jpg
The Rundown
Leopard Dress c/o Wallis
Knit Moto Jacket c/o Maurices similar
Boots Migliorini via TJMaxx buy on ebay similar
Bag Linea Pelle "Astor" c/o Linger Rose
Tights c/o Kushyfoot
Gold Bracelet The Cavernous Jewelry Box
Naomi Druzy Ring c/o Kendra Scott
Bar Rings c/o Kohl's
Nail Color "Go Overboard" Essie

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Thanks to Lipton Publicity and Kushyfoot for providing the tights featured in this post.


  1. Beautiful outfit- I love your printed dress! And aren't fleece lined tights the greatest invention ever?


  2. Tights are my go to as well! It's funny, I have felt the same way lately. All of a sudden all my work clothes aren't warm enough! I have mainly slim crop pants, and bare ankles just aren't working! Love this dress paired with burgundy.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  3. This jacket is absolutely AMAZING! It looks so good mixed with the black and white leopard print!

  4. Good tights are a winter must have for sure...which reminds me that I need to stock up on some fleece lined pairs because my current ones are getting pretty ratty and I practically live in them in the winter.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. LOOOOOVE that jacket! Such a great color! :D And I still haven't worn my black and white leopard print dress...oops! Ha ha. Well, I have all winter...

  6. That berry color is stunning on you, and it's perfection paired with snow leopard! So pretty and chic!


  7. Such a great outfit, and that color looks gorgeous on you!

    xoxo jenna @ sincerely jenna marie

    PS- I'd love for you to stop by and link up your favorite look from this week!

  8. Hasnt this weather been crazy?! So in love with that jacket! The pop of color is perfect with the dress! So pretty!

    <3 Shannon

  9. That fuchsia jacket really makes this look stand out. Love it!

  10. You and me both! I actually have tried so many things--touching a metal pole in the ground, Febreeze underneath, dryer sheets, EVERYTHING.

    I love your jacket! What a pretty color on you!

  11. i like your outfit..the dress is fab and also the jacket

  12. The boots are super cute, and I love your moto jacket!

  13. I really love this look, Lydia! That blazer is a super great color!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  14. I love that jacket and the color looks great on you. Great look.

  15. Slips are life savers. I feel like many girls forget how useful one can be to a closet. Fleece lined tights sound pretty amazing.

  16. You have the cutest style ever, I love the title of this, it's like what I say everyday. Gorgeous pattern on that dress btw.


  17. I love the color of this jacket! And your boots are so cool, I've never seen ones with a zipper up the front like that!

  18. Dying over your jacket!! It's such a gorgeous color!


  19. I was literally just looking around for fleece lined tights...sweater tights are great too! LOVE the color of your jacket!

  20. This color combo is so pretty on you, love this jacket.


  21. That moment when you stand in front of your closet realising that you absolutely must wear jeans or tights is a pretty dismal one. It doesn't get nearly cold enough in Vancouver for the fleece-lined variety, but winter is winter, no matter how cold it gets, and the struggle is real. With that said, you certainly don't seem to be struggling to style this leopard dress, I love seeing it pop up in different looks and I think this may be my favourite one yet!

  22. I am a huge fan of fleece lined anything! I invested in a slip last year and it really helps static cling like nothing else does! Love your jacket! That color is beautiful on you!

  23. Obsessed with that ring, the jacket is gorgeous, and I love the dress! Great items, girl!

    Because I'm Obsessed

  24. The moto jacket is such a gorgeous color!

  25. I love everything about this look, but that jacket is killing me with its awesomeness. Gorgeous color and style! Also, I've got to get me some fleece-lined tights this year!

  26. So you are totally reading my mind right now! I was beyond baffled this morning because I couldn't figure out what to wear to keep me WARM! Why didn't I go to tights?! You are a genius. And that coat is the most beautiful color!


  27. Love the jacket! you look beautiful ♥

  28. Stay warm - those temps are crazy cold! I love your boots and that the zipper is in the front - so fun.


  29. Winter weather I think make a pressure on anyones dressing up.
    I must admit you look fabulous, I would never think you're having struggle with your wardrobe. That jacket color is gorgeous.
    xoxo Ramona


  30. I love fleece tights in the winter. That jacket looks really cool. I love the color.

  31. Looking gorgeous!! Love this color combo, and can never go wrong with an animal print. Great fall inspiration.


  32. I feel ya! I have to work to transition my wardrobe, but it's definitely not as easy as it is in warmer months!

  33. I absolutely love the color of that jacket. I love all shades of purple and it looks fantastic on you. The whole look is so good!

  34. Your dress instantly reminded me of a similar one from Wallis which I have. Need to take on your styling idea with boots.
    Great look, Lydia!

    Annette | Lady of Style

  35. 1.) I need fleece-lined tights. 2.) Slips are the most underrated garment! I love wearing them under dresses to combat static and a layer of modesty in case it's sunnier than I expect! I wish I could find prettier half slips that aren't just black or nude.


  36. I'm a tight fanatic! Love them. Gorgeous dress and jacket Lydia! You look beautiful.

  37. Very pretty. The black and white with the colored jacket work beautifully.
    I just realised last week that I have drawer full of tights (mostly new) that I have not worn… and right now we are transitioning from rainy season to summer, so I guess I'll have to forget about them until next year.
