Weekend in NYC

I consider myself to be the worst packer in the world. It is always the same. Hours spent agonizing over what to wear, trying to decipher which coat and bag will go with every outfit (in this case that would be a grand total of two outfits).

When I eventually have that sorted out, I usually throw in pile of accessories and three times the amount of underwear and socks than I'd ever need. Since it's winter, I fretted over scarfs, hats, and gloves. I brought two scarfs, I wore neither.

Since the visit to New York was for Sean's birthday I debated what I wanted to wear out to dinner. Normally this would be a perfect reason to get dressed up, but I was stressed about snow, so I ended up just wearing this. Cashmere sweater, dark denim, glitzy ring.

It ended up not snowing, and actually being warmer than it's been.

It was a quick little trip, but we had a good time, and despite the train wreck that is me packing, when it comes to unpacking, I'm an ace.

white sweater, navy coat, black boots.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-2.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-5.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-1.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-3.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-4.jpgwhite sweater, navy coat, black boots-6.jpg
The Rundown
Cable Knit Sweater Ralph Lauren thrifted similar
Jeans Joe's Jeans via Saks off Fifth
Boots Migliorini via TJMaxx buy on ebay similar
Red Willis Bag Vintage Coach via ebay similar$
Navy Coat Mark New York via South Moon Under
Hammered Disc Necklace Avon similar
Naomi Druzy Ring c/o Kendra Scott

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  1. I LOVE that coy little smile you are flashing! It makes me think you were PRETTY darn happy with Sean during this. So cute!

  2. Love that coat! And this is a perfect outfit for celebrating his birthday! Nothing too crazy and I'm sure he loved it :)

  3. I'm obsessed with that ring piece! It's beautiful!

    x. Sabrina // Simply Sabrina

  4. I get terrible packing anxiety too and usually always overpack. But I'd rather have it and not need it then need/want it and not need it.

    Also, I think I've told you this already but that's a killer coat on you! Glad you had a fun trip!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. I think we're packing opposites. I'm a famous under-packer (except for underwear, because you can never have too many) and I think, subconsciously, it's an excuse to justify shopping when I arrive at my destination. But I plan my packing very carefully, so there's really no excuse for ever forgetting or omitting things. Oh well, I suppose we all have our quirks ;) Despite your packing woes, the outfit you took turned out beautifully. The bag, coat, ring combination is just perfect; the colours, the sparkle, the touch of gold... Love!

  6. When wearing a bag as pretty as that red one, it honestly doesn't matter if you match it with a prom dress or your pyjamas. No one will notice anyway ;)



  7. Such great details in this look, like that amazing ring and the purse. I love it! Glad you all had a good time in NY. :-)


  8. I'm trying to get better at packing, I hate it. Love that ring, you look comfy and chic - so NY!

  9. Those boots are gorgeous, and I love your bag!


  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is terrible at packing! Maybe it just means I need to go on more trips...ha! But it looks like you did well by sticking to classics here!
    xo Adri

  11. Okay, you are not alone, my friend: I am also a horrible packer.

    This coat is so good- and I love it with the red bag. Glad you guys had a good NYC trip!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  12. LOL I am the EXACT same way. It usually takes me an abnormally long time with unnecessary tears to pack for anything. Have you seen Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler? I pack like Jill. Sometimes simple is better though, no?

  13. I can see we both love jeans tucked in boots and red bags :-)
    And I always take far too much when I am travelling and then I am close to paying excess baggage!!

    Annette | Lady of Style

  14. I think you looked great for your NYC date night! And I love your little smirk in that second pic :) I never know what to pack either...so I always end up with way too much too. I guess it's better to have too much than not enough, right?

  15. That coat is so stunning! Classic and just perfect for an urban weekend!:)

    Oly | TLV Birdie Blog

  16. haha I totally feel ya about packing - i think it is just not a skill that us fashion lovers can master haha.
    I LOVE the red bag you went with, it is gorgeous!

    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

  17. I've never seen boots like this before, they stunning! I've been looking at RL sweaters recently, well done for getting one thrifted!

  18. I love the jacket! Great blog - just stumbled across it :)


  19. I am a horrible packer too. Once I forgot to pack my son underwear and had to run to the store and buy some. Of course, I packed a ton for myself. Sounds like a fun get away weekend.


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  20. So fun!! I am the worst packer too! I just bring my whole life and over pack haha! You look amazing! I am so in love with that coat!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  21. I think those boots are perfect! I also love the colour of your coat. For me packing is twice a month for work sometimes, so I tend to be a pretty light packer, but boots, scarves, and hats are probably what I would definitely have to pack.
    Burlap Beauties

  22. I could compete with you for worst packer. A lot of times I end up with 7 tops and no bottoms. Or 17 pairs of shoes and then my pjs. I never seem to be able to get it together! It generally results in me ending up at Target buying something to wear… Hope you had a fun trip!


  23. A weekend in NYC sounds wonderful! Also, I love those boots!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  24. Beautiful hun!!!!!


  25. Love how simple yet chic your outfit is! Great post! Would love to be able to follow each other on our blogs so let me know, so I can follow you back!! xx http://ashaopryhirsi.blogspot.co.uk/

  26. What a great winter outfit!

  27. I debate and debate about packing until there is a half an hour left then I throw it all in the bag. It's not good. This is a perfect outfit though. It's chic, but looks like it was warm, too!

  28. You can definitely be warm and chic which is reflected here! I have gotten to be a much better packer. Practice helps!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  29. How funny, I'm the exact opposite. I can pack like a dream but then when I get home my stuff stays in my suitcase for at least 3 days!

    That coat is beautiful!

    Lauren | Disco Daydream

  30. Ugh, packing is the worst. You look effortless and chic to me! I would not know what to wear in all the snow.

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  31. So typical. It's like leaving house with umbrella, it will not rain.
    Packing is a big challenge. I always try to think of everything, but yet at the end I still haven't packed what I actually needed. Underwear and socks I usually pack as well way too many. Always just in case.
    Despite everything you look wonderful. I think most important is that you have both most wonderful time.


  32. gorgeous girl! That red bag is stunning!

    And I need interventions when it comes to packing, it's terrible. My husband hates traveling with me! haha

    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

  33. DYING over these photos. Sigh. Miss home! You're beautiful!

    Kelly | Kelly in the City

  34. This is such a pretty outfit for a cozy date night!

    I've gotten much better at packing now that I force myself to just bring a carry on. But there's still at least one outfit that never gets worn! (And extra undies is a must. You never know if you'll be stranded another night!)


  35. Well if it has to do with packing for unpredictable weather, its totally acceptable.
    Lately I have been packing less and less… I was on a trip last week, for an entire week. I took just one carry on bag and it weighted about 9 pounds.
