Those who wait

Are those who hesitate lost, or do good things come to those who wait?

I always fall squarely in the waiting category, which does mean that sometimes I miss out on things, but more often than not, I find my patience is rewarded.

Such was the case with these jeweled espadrille sandals, first spotted on Jessica's blog back in March. With a list price of $110, I knew I would have to hold out for a sale. When Piperlime was going out at the end of May, they could have been had for 40% off, but again I hesitated, since they would be final sale I would have to take a gamble with the fit.

I then found them on Amazon, still at list price, but added them to my watch list. Eventually the price slowly crept down. When they got to 40% I was ready to make my purchase with the sound knowledge that I could always return them for free.

The day after I purchased them the price plunged even lower, to 50% off, but thankfully Amazon offers price adjustments within 10 days of your delivery (store credit only), so they became mine for $54.

Fitting comfortably and true to size, I would definitely recommend them!

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The Rundown
Cream Tank J.Crew similar
Ikat Shorts Gap similar
Jeweled Espadrille Sandal Dune London
Grayson Bar Bag Linea Pelle
Earrings Urban Gem via Rocksbox (one month free with lydiaxoxo)
Palm Rope Necklace Jenny Bird via Rocksbox (one month free with lydiaxoxo)
Ellis Bracelet Robyn Rhodes via Rocksbox (one month free with lydiaxoxo)
Spike Bracelet "Baby B" c/o Marrin Costello
Gold Wrap Ring gift from Meg similar
Sunglasses Vogue via Sunglass Hut
Nail Color "Naughty Nautical" Essie

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Linking up with Jeans and a Teacup's Flashback Friday (One year ago today)
Linking up with Forage Fashion's Friday Finds


  1. Lucky you for snagging up a bargain! love the shoes and the print on your shorts is so cute. Have a great weekend! :)

    Metallic Paws

  2. LOVE the new sandals! I need to be better about waiting. I can get caught up in the impulse buy!

    Fizz and Frosting

  3. I do love these sandals on you - you just can't go wrong with any kind of jewelled flats, as far as I'm concerned. As for hesitation versus waiting, I think that those who hesitate are lost definitely applies when driving (because there's nothing worse than waiting through a whole cycle of lights to turn left because someone ahead is too cautious to turn unless there is no traffic in sight) but otherwise, good things tend to come to those who wait. I just wish that I had the necessary patience for that work for me!

  4. beautiful outfit, i love the print of that short and those sandals, you look great!

    The Color Palette

  5. Woohoo! Gotta love 50% off! :D I didn't think Amazon did the adjustments anymore, interesting! I'll have to remember that.
    And that earring is so fun!

  6. Your sandals are so pretty. I have been all about embellished sandals this summer.

  7. I'm always the one who waits.Like this scenario, usually it pays off, literally. I can't think of a time I've missed out and been so disappointed that I did that I wish I had paid full price. It's just not in me. I've never heard of Dune London shoes. Are they good quality?

  8. I often do this dance. I always debate whether it is worth the wait or getting the extra several months of wear out of the item in season is worth paying a little more. Glad you got them! They look great with your outfit.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  9. Love the sandals! That's awesome that you got them at such a great price. I'm also loving those earrings!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  10. Cute bag and shorts :)
    Maria V.

  11. I'm always amazed at how proficient you are at hunting down deals...and those are so cute!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  12. I go back and forth between waiting and waiting, and buying immediately - depends on what it is, where it is from and if I think I can get it on sale. Love those sandals! So adorable.


  13. Oh hey, I've totally seen those around! I'm glad that something good came out of that waiting. Sometimes you just get lucky in the wait--other times, I'm glad I made that initial purchase, even if it means spending an extra twenty bucks. I suppose it depends.

  14. They are darling and so worth the wait! I am definitely a 'waiter' too and while I've missed out on a few things, I have made up for it in deals! These were quite a deal!

  15. I always like a bargain. I am also a hesitant and careful shopper. These sandals are seriously the cutest. :)

  16. I go back and fort on this a lot-- I feel like there are a lot of times that I wait, and I shouldn't have. I just missed out on a great coat for 70% off (bah). But I could not have paid full price for these sandals either. I am glad you finally got them because they look incredibly cute and versatile, and the style will definitely be current for several seasons!

  17. Beautiful and stylish, in love with your sandals!!!

  18. Cute shoes! Sounds like the price was worth the wait :)

  19. cute outfit! :)

  20. Very cute outfit! I so love your sandals!

  21. Oh, those sandals are so adorable! Those jewels take them to whole new level.
    Red Reticule

  22. Now that's my kind of bargain !
    I saw them on Jessica's blog too and it was love at first sight.

  23. You are so beautiful. I love reading your post. I can have a good mood.

    Kiss from
