Just because

This weekend I baked scones. I went outlet shopping in the rain with Meg, though the post holiday state of the stores resulted in some pretty light bags for us. I bought an itty bitty orchid at the grocery store just because. I also bought a pint of Ben & Jerry's just because it was on sale.

The holidays are over and my schedule is back to normal, but I still want to be in holiday mode. I want to be home in pjs mixing up batches of cookies and pots of hot chocolate on the stove. I'm not one of those people who packs up Christmas come New Year's Day. The tree is still up and glowing, opened gift boxes still nestled underneath, Prancer proudly gazing up at it. I suppose it will have to come down next weekend, but really, I'm not sick of it yet.

Black skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-8.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-6.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-9.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-7.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-5.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-4.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-3.jpgBlack skirt, black top, leopard fur coat, over the knee boots-1.jpg
The Rundown
Black Tee Gap
Black Pencil Skirt NY&Co. similar
Leopard Fur Coat JCP similar
Over the Knee Boots "Atilla" Ivanka Trump similar
Fringe Bucket Bag TJMaxx similar
Castillo Gold Dipped Lace Earrings c/o Uncommon Goods
Necklace "Greer V" Gorjana
Vista Cuff Gorjana via Rocksbox (one month free with lydiaxoxo)
Mini Punk Princess Bracelet CC Skye c/o Serendipity and Grace
Snake Ring Brilliant Imports
Sunglasses "Emma" Ray-Ban

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  1. How fabulous do you look??? Obsessing over the details of this look that coat is fabulous!

  2. You accessories with this outfit are gorgeous. I love the bracelets especially. I love all the time off. I miss working part time so much. It would make me a happy girl to be able to go back to short weeks. I don't mind long days if I know there's only going to be a few of them.

  3. I miss holiday mode too! I love this black look with your OTK boots and leopard jacket! Such a killer combo.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  4. Awesome look!! Great otk boots!

    My blog: Street Style City

    Also have a look at my photography page: Photography

  5. I was perfectly happy to put the tree away when the new year came, but getting out of holiday mode is a lot harder. I actually haven't worked a full week year this year - this will be my first one - and I'm dreading the thought of being at my desk five days in a row. I suppose we all have to give in to it sometime, but honestly, I'm still not ready for normal life. On a fashion-related note, I'm so glad you wore your grey over the knee boots in this post because I actually succumbed to a grey pair myself last week and have been pondering how to style them for their first time out of the house. Now, thanks to you, I have an idea :)

  6. Wow, this coat is STUNNING! You look gorgeous in black and white



  7. I took my tree down and I miss it already. Also, you look crazy amazing in that awesome outfit (I think you know my feelings on that jacket)!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  8. I actually thought this was a dress until I read your outfit credits! Love this look head to toe! Ben & Jerry's = yumminess!

  9. This outfit looks so cozy! Sadly I took down my tree the weekend after new years, but I reorganized my bookshelves with some Christmas gifts so it was worht it! (Couldn't do it until the tree was down)

  10. Ahh those boots are just fantastic. We took our tree down last weekend and I kind of miss it (although I don't miss the pine needles everywhere!). I'm never ready to give up the holiday feeling either--it's winter's only redeeming quality I think! :)

  11. I thought this was a dress at first. Loving the all black look. It's so chic!

  12. I wish it could be Christmas longer too! We took our tree outside yesterday and it's kind of sad to have to wait another year. Your outfit is so cute! I love the coat!


  13. The tree was taken down just this Saturday... last year's was up until almost February.
    The apartment suddenly looks huge and clean.

  14. This coat might be my favorite thing that you own...so chic! And now I want Ben & Jerry's!

  15. So gorgeous! Love the coat + boots!


  16. My husband is really good about putting this away. We usually do it the first weekend in January. I adore this coat and how glam you look.


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  17. Thats a gorgeous dress. U look amazing. And omg that coat is just mind blowing .
    My blog: RumelaTheShopaholic

  18. I'm so like you, I loooove Christmas time! Gorgeous outfit, that coat is lovely!


  19. Ohn darling, thanks a lot. I'm so glad to know this :D

    Looooove this print. You look so fabulous :D

    NEW WISHES POST | Sales Wishlist
    Instagram ∫ Facebook Oficial Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  20. Love your outfit!!!.This coat is so classy!
    If you want we can Follow each other on gcp, instagram bloglovin! :)

  21. I have a weird thing about Christmas trees. I love them but I think when they get taken down they make the rest of the house terribly depressing because you have nothing else to really look forward to, it's just your house. So I never like to be there when a tree is taken down because it just makes me sad!

    All that said, definitely keep it up another week.
    The Adored Life

  22. This outfit is soo gorgeous! I love those boots, especially with the dress and leopard coat. Also, scones sound soon amazing! Glad to know that it wasn't just me that had a crazy schedule over the holidays!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  23. I loveeeee a good leopard coat! So cute, Girl! :)

    Kelly | Kelly in the City
