Spring Blows In

Nevermind that deceptive sun and the fact that it's the first day of spring, a faux fur coat is still wildly appropriate outerwear.

If I'm being honest, I'd prefer to be in hibernation until more of the world reflects spring than the date.

I spotted the first green of my tulips emerging from the earth, a true feat that they return year after year. While I don't consider myself someone with a black thumb, I am still in awe of those tulips. Year after year, they persevere. They push through the snow, they bloom. They don't complain about the cold or the wind or the rain. They just bloom, and bring beauty into my world.

 striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-26.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-21.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-25.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-20.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-28.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-24.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-22.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-23.jpg striped wrap top, black jeans, coach bag, leopard fur coat-17.jpg
The Rundown
Wrap Blouse Banana Republic
Black Jeans Old Navy
Leopard Fur Coat JCP similar
Nude Pumps "Natalie" Naturalizer
Willis Bag Vintage Coach thrifted similar
Crystal Chevron Earrings Express similar
Pave Triangle Necklace TJMaxx similar
Thin Gold Ring Etsy via Ellyn Blue Jewelry
Crystal Bar Ring Upper Metal Class


  1. I'm glad the tulips are starting to bloom there - such a reassuring sign that warmer, milder weather is ahead! And I'm also glad you're getting in a few more wears of that truly fabulous coat before that warmer weather hits because I doubt I will ever tire of seeing that coat.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. It has actually started to feel a bit like spring here. But spring here still requires heavy coats and comes with enormous, dirty puddles on the sidewalk that are sometimes unavoidable - I nearly lost an ankle boot in one the other day, and, since I was on my way out when it happened, suffered with a wet sock for the rest of the evening. I was, not surprisingly, not happy about it - and since I'm not a tulip, I complained a fair bit. But the puddles and the tulips do mean spring is coming and right now, I'm feeling hopeful that means that by this time next month, I'll at least be in my leather jacket...!

  3. Yay for spring! Seems like we're all ready for the change..now if only winter would leave :) Love how you mixed the 2 prints. So unexpected and chic



  4. We're still wearing our coats here too!! We were just laughing that the calendar and Mother Nature aren't in sync, however, we are supposed to have a warm weekend---yippee!!
    Love the wrap top, Lydia!! It'll go with everything!!

  5. Tulips are my favorite flower and I just love seeing them pop up in the spring. I really like your wrap shirt! I like the vertical stripes and flattering wrap style. Like you, I am also still throwing on my leopard coat.

  6. That top is so pretty! And yea...if only mother nature will cooperate with the calendar!

  7. Love your leopard coat. It's so pretty and makes such a roaring statement! It's a perfect companion to your striped blouse, which btw is also very lovely.

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

  8. We've had some spring-like temps, but of course today it feels like winter again. It is time for warm weather! Love this look on you. That top is fantastic!


  9. Gorgeous wrap blouse ! perfectly matched with the leopard.
    Bloom baby bloom !

  10. I really like that wrap top! I have it in black. Isn't it so versatile? I love how you have paired it with the leopard!

    Nicole to the Nines

  11. We don't have any tulips coming up yet, but I love seeing them start to grow. They really do give me more of a mindset of spring which is always refreshing after a long grey winter!

  12. Love your thought about tulips, they just push through! I, on the other hand, don't think I can take one more nor'easter.
    Loving your cheetah coat, at least we have that!!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  13. That coat is everything! I hope those poor little tulips can hang on through all this weather...if they can survive, so can we!

  14. I am getting over the cold weather. Luckily the sun has come out and it's gotten warmer during the day which is always a plus!


  15. Good to know tulips are blooming again there. They're so incredibly pretty. Anyway, love your leopard fur coat dear. Such a fab piece to pair with your striped blouse.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  16. I am SO ready for proper spring too and that blouse looks amazing on you. xo

  17. Love the leopard print coat with the striped top :)

  18. I love that blouse! I feel like our spring flowers are taunting me. It's still unseasonably cold here.

  19. In love with this coat on you girl! And totally! I cannot wait for it to finally be spring :)

    xx, mel

  20. I love your bag and I love even more that it’s thrifted! Those are the finds I really love! <3 Jamie


  21. Absolutely gorgeous - loving your photos! They're absolutely beautiful and your outfit is absolutely stunning!! :)

    Layla x


  22. LOL I'm so with you on wanting to hibernate until it actually FEELS like spring. I love that pretty wrap top--the stripes are so classic but the wrap style makes it really fun. So true about tulips too--they're tough little flowers!

  23. Aren't tulips just the best?! I love your pretty print mixing.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  24. Oh I love that wrap blouse! I have a couple of wrap pieces but nothing with stripes so I'm adoring this one! It's a shame international shipping is with Borderfree, they tend to be painful to deal with based on my experiences in the past!

    Fingers crossed you get some more spring-like weather soon! Still summer-like here, definitely not got the cooler autumn weather I'm looking forward to yet.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :) It was the little one's birthday party yesterday so that was a lot of fun! Today is a quiet day to recover after that busy day and crazy week though, haha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  25. Such a cute mix of prints! Love that blouse!

    xo, Jennifer

  26. I agree and the sun is so deceiving! I've been hibernating too and only stepping out for photos if I can tolerate being outside for 10 mins haha! That leopard print coat though is gorgeous!


  27. I'm so over the prolonged spring chilliness! Love how you layered the prints here, though!

    District of Chic
