
Today marks ten years since I started this blog. It's strange to think how such a significant portion of my life has been documented and shared with the world. I'm so grateful to all the wonderful people and experiences this blog has brought into my life - more than I ever could have imagined when I started, when I was just a thrifty shopper wanting to document my discounted sartorial scores.

I know lately it's the trend to cull any and all old blog posts, instagram posts, tweets, and the likes from our archives, which no longer reflect only where we are right now, and pretend all the missteps that got us here didn't happen. I'm not keen to do that. Not that I'm saying I want you to delve into my decade old blog posts (really, please don't) but I also know that feeling of curiosity, of wanting to know what was in the past, and I feel disappointed when some bloggers who've been in this space for as long as I have made their origins inaccessible. (If I've now peaked your interest, maybe start at 2013?)

Approaching this milestone has had me thinking more and more about the future of this blog, and the kinds of posts I want to share. Lately reading blog posts have left me feeling starved for content, a sense that all I'm seeing are attempts to improve SEO rather than contribute something meaningful. Not that every post has to be meaningful, just honest. There is so much pressure to present a life of perfection, to appear effortless even when it requires a great deal of effort, to only present struggles once they have been worked through and can be wrapped up in a neat little package with a flourish of positivity.

As much as keeping up this blog has been about me, it's also about every person who takes a moment of their day to read and share their thoughts, so I will close this 10th anniversary post with a simple question, why do you read blogs?

 black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-7.jpg black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-14.jpg black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-5.jpg Urban light black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-9.jpg black off the shoulder dress, round 
rattan bag, urban light-6.jpg black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-15.jpg black off the shoulder dress, round rattan bag, urban light-12-Edit-2.jpg
The Rundown
Off The Shoulder Dress Loft
Huarache Mules "Camila" Rebecca Minkoff
Round Rattan Bag Etsy
Gold Ball Earrings Kohl's
Coin Pendant Necklace Julie Vos
Bracelets The Cavernous Jewelry Box
Thin Gold Ring Etsy via Ellyn Blue Jewelry
 Sunglasses "Caravan" Ray-Ban

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  1. Wow, congrats on ten years!! Such an awesome accomplishment. I love this dress on you too. I have thought about going back to delete old posts too but never done it. I still read blogs for inspiration.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  2. Wow, ten years of blogging!! Congratulations! That is a major achievement and milestone. I am 100% with you on the embarrassment of the archives. My blog is only 5 years old, but still. Yikes. A lot has changed including myself and expectations for the blog world. I read blogs because 1) I like outfits, and 2) I like connecting with people in this written format. It's more enjoyable for me than the currently popular Instagram Story Video Daily Diary format. But I know I'm in the minority so...c'est la vie. BTW, your outfit is pretty fabulous and appropriate for the occasion today!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  3. Yay on 10 years! I am right behind you.
    I admit I refuse to delete old posts. It's following the illusion of perfection, that we both do know is not true. I sucked before I got a little better and I still hope to improve.
    For me reading blogs is about inspiration, learning about new brands, seeing up and coming trends and of course creating connections with minds that think alike.
    You look spectacular here ! What a great dress and fab location.

  4. These pics are stunning, love LACMA and 10 years of blogging. That's amazing you have such great content.


  5. These are amazing photos to celebrate 10 amazing blogging years (that's quite the anniversary!). I like reading blogs because I love getting a little window into people's lives (and closets). It just helps me feel connected.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  6. I love this! You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about deleting every blog post from 2009-2013 but I can never bring myself to do it. It just seems wrong! I read blogs still because I admire every single person I follow, and I enjoy reading what each of you have to say. Instagram is all a big lie, so I wish it would just die but I know it’s all here to stay. Blogs are becoming so formulaic because seo is so important and I’m failing at it Lol. Thank you for being so honest and having a unique style perspective that I love. Happy 10!

  7. Congrats on hitting such a big blog milestone! That's so awesome...I love to read blogs to get ideas on styling and glimpses into how women like me live around the country--and nearby ;) I still love the idea of blogs especially now that social media seems so set on selling things!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. Loving the photo location! And yayyyy for 10 years!!!
    I don't read as many blogs as I used to but the reason I read my current ones is because I've formed a connection with those people over the years and like keeping up with them

  9. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I appreciate your honest approach in this space of yours and wish you many more years of success!

  10. Congratulations for such an impressive milestone!


  11. Looks lovely!


  12. Ten years - what an accomplishment! Congratulations! (I admit, I mostly think it's amazing that you've managed to keep your archives in good working order over all of these years. My deleting spree happened after I discovered half of my images before 2015 were missing and it became clear I didn't have the inclination to go looking for them all.) And what better way to celebrate than with photos from one of the most blogger beloved places there is? I still absolutely adore this dress and wish Loft would have put the price down to something semi-reasonable for Canadian shoppers. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be mine, so I'll just be happy living vicariously through how beautifully you wear it.

  13. Ten years, way to go, babe! I'm approaching a similar milestone- and it's definitely made me think back to my first days blogging and how far I've come. (And yes, how embarrassing my old posts were, haha.)

    I read blogs to connect, to get inspired, and to get to know (in whatever way the blogger chooses) the person behind the blog. It keeps me honest and inspires me to do the same!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. What a gorgeous post and happy 10-year blog anniversary. That's amazing, and always love visiting your space!! <3 As for why I read blogs? Love the community + sharing my love of fashion and bits of life with others. It's so much fun!!! xo


  15. Congrats on 10 years Lydia. That is huge, and I'm so happy to have been following you for quite a bit (maybe most?) of that time!! I loved reading this as well. I used to read blogs for inspiration, but these days I have a lot less time for blog reading, so I mostly read blogs for connection. I love when I get inspiration too, but mostly I come to a space where I care about what that person has to say. Does that make sense?

  16. Happy 10 years! That is an amazing accomplishment! I've only been at it for 5 years, but it's the inspiration and blogging community that keeps me going! I love friendships with other bloggers!

  17. Congrats on your 10 years of blogging, that's an awesome milestone to achieve! I often wonder if I'd kept my original blog if I'd still be blogging - probably not, haha! I am nearing 7 years now with this one, and I'm so happy with it. Yes I have the odd embarassing or weird or awkward posts, ut I think that's the fun of blogging, style blogging in particular, you get to see how things change and it's good to remind yourself of where you've come from sometimes! :)

    Hope you are having a great week so far :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  18. 10 years of blogging is a huge milestone, congratulations! I hear ya about being starved for content. The blogs I still read on regular basis (and there's not that many of them anymore) fulfill that content itch with useful and/or meaningful posts.

  19. Happy 10th blog anniversary friend! Honestly, i read blogs to 1. connect to blog friends and see what they're up to and 2. learn something interesting. I'm trying to put out more interesting posts myself these days too in line with my interests and role in life now. We certainly have to be true to ourselves, otherwise don't we lose a purpose in writing?

  20. Looking so lovely with that dress dear! Love the off-shoulder style, so pretty and playful. Also, cute contrast on your sandals too.
    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  21. Congratulations Lydie! It's crazy to think how long we've been following each other! I love that blogs still offer "the full story," where instragram is still just a snapshot. I'm going to have my 10 year anniversary next month and I don't have any desire to let it go just yet!

    District of Chic

  22. I cannot believe it has been a decade for you. I started my blog in the Fall of 2010 but did't really post much since Spring of 2012 so I have been blogging for 6.5 years and oh my times have changed. It sucks to say it too that a lot of my favorite bloggers don't blog anymore and some have become these huge Instagram influencers most of whom don't feel realistic or relatable.

    I read blogs to find more about the person behind the blog and what made that person wear/style/work that particular outfit. I also READ every post I leave a comment on and I think that is important. I can definitely tell when bloggers who comment my posts don't read them first.
